Chapter 16

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We had made it to my moms, and I got more and more nervous the whole way there. We knocked on the door, and saw my brother coming to answer.

“Hey! Haven’t seen you two in a while. Come on in. I’ll go get mom…and dad?”

“If he’ll talk to me. I’d kinda like him here for this…” we went and sat in the living room while we waited for them to come join us.

“Hey sweetie! I was wondering when you’d come around here.” my mom came and hugged me.

“Hey mom. I kind of only came because we have news for you guys.” she got a confused look on her face. Just then, my dad walked in the living room.

“Skylar. Long time, no see. I missed you.” he came and hugged me and sat down by my mom. “I heard you two are together.

“Yes, dad. We are. This is Colson.” my dad reached his hand out, and Colson shook his hand. This was going to be a long day.

“So, why are you two visiting? You have news?”

“This should be good…” Josh laughed.

“Well…this is really soon. But we wanted you all to know that I am pregnant. I’m about two months along.” my brothers jaw dropped.

“I didn’t see that coming…” Josh said, shocked.

“He is the dad, right?”

“Oh my god mom, yes he is. Who else would be?”

“I need to get some fresh air.” my dad got up and walked onto the back porch. I got up and followed him. He was playing with the dog when I walked out.

“Dad, are you mad?”

“No…I’m not mad. I just didn’t think this would happen so soon.”

“Believe me, neither did I.” I laughed.

“You like him. I can tell. The way you look when you say his name.” he threw the ball for the dog.

“I do. I love him, dad. So, have you heard my song?”


“Dad. I have a single out. For over a month now. It’s been number 1 since I released it. I’m releasing an album next year.”

“Wow. You really did make it.”

“All thanks to Colson.”

“He’s a good kid. Don’t tell the Wild Boy I said that though.” he winked.

“You don’t hate me anymore?”

“Sky, I never hated you. I was just disappointed you lied, and dragged your mother into it.”

“Yeah…but if I never lied so good I wouldn’t be where I am now.” I laughed and elbowed him.

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s get back inside.” we walked back in the house to see Josh and Colson playing Just Dance 4.

“Colson, why didn’t you tell me you could dance?” I laughed.

“Girl, I saw your high score. You never told me you could dance.”

“Whatever. Josh, move over.” I played with him for a couple of hours. He looked at his phone and realized how late it was.

“Shit, we gotta leave Sky.”

“Before we leave, I wanna show you something.” I pulled him into Allie’s old room. I got out the photo album she had with pictures of me and her in it. “This, is my sister. Allie Paige. That was a week before the accident.”

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