Chapter 28

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"Sky...Skylar wake up. The boys are leaving." I heard my mom trying to wake me up.

"I don't want them to leave." I complained.

"Well, you need to go say bye. They have to finish this tour Sky."

"I know. I'll be down in a couple minutes." she walked out and closed the door. I rolled over, knowing he wouldn't be there. I sighed as I stood up. I grabbed a hoodie and out it on before going downstairs. Everyone was gathered by the front door. Dre ran over and gave me a bear hug as soon as I stepped off the last step.

"I'm gonna miss you Dre. And your bear hugs." he laughed and let me go. I walked over and hugged gave Slim the biggest hug I could. I gave all the boys hugs before walking over to Colson. I looked up and felt my eyes tear up immediately. As soon as he saw the tears he pulled me into a hug. 

"I know this is gonna be really hard for both of us, but I promise I will keep in touch. We will talk every single day. And it won't be like..last time. We'll talk on the phone, text, skype, anything. Everyday."


"I promise Skylar." he kissed me.

"I'm really gonna miss you. Me and Kenzie talked about trying to fly out to some shows though."

"I hope you can make it to at least one." I hugged him one last time. "Did you go say bye to Allie and Colson?"

"Yeah, I even said bye to Lucky." we both laughed.

"Okay, come on. We gotta go." I heard Spordy yell from outside. They all walked outside and me, Kenzie, and my parents were all standing in the doorway. Everyone walked on the bus and waved bye to us.Colson stopped as he was walking on the bus and turned around. I smiled and held back even more tears.

"Don't worry, we'll see each other soon. I promsie." With that, he got on the bus.

1 month later

"I'm so happy to be getting out of Ohio for once. I feel like I've been stuck in that house for forever." Kenzie said. We were flying to Los Angeles with Allie, Colson, and my mom. I had a meeting with Jess and a few studio sessions. I was actually dying to start working on finishing my album.

"Yeah, this will be great. I've never been to California." my mom said, excited.

"Well, I'll have to make sure we do something fun while we're here."

Once the plane landed and we had gotten our bags, we met Jess outside the airport. She got excited when she saw we had the babies.

"They're adorable! I wish I could've seen them sooner."

"So what do you have planned for us for today?"

"Well, before we do anything in the studio we need to sit down and talk about what we have planned for it."

"Okay, where are we going?"

"My house. You guys are staying there too. I sat in the back with the twins while Jess, Kenzie, and my mom all squeezed in the front.  My jaw dropped when I saw her house. 

"This house is amazing. When did you move?"

"A while ago. Around when the twins were born." she helped me get the babies get out and we went inside. My mom took them in the living room and me and Kenzie followed Jess to what she called her "meeting room."

"So, do you know what songs you want on the album?" 

"I have a pretty good idea."

"Okay, well I need you to figure it out because we have to do a shoot for the album still."

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