No !! 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Brothers pov

Jk - I was really impressed bro. That girl I mean ananya. She was cute though.

Jimin - Yeah especially that girl who had thick eyebrows, was flirting back with me. Her name too was uh- Sara ! I got it.

Jimin - I think so they're not Koreans, they hail from some other country.

Jk - Yeah I too think the same.

Jimin - Ok fine Tae, What about you ?

His mind wandered back to th girl who was fighting simply with. He forgot to ask her name/see her name in ID card.

He didn't knew why, He was this crazy. He was like he can't control himself. Right now he wanted to knew her name and make her be in his arms.

Shit ! What are you thinking Tae ?
Jimin snapped his fingers infront..

Jimin - Looks like you've lost yourself with the girl whom you quarreled with.

Tae - No jimin. Shut up !

He got up but stopped by Kook's words..

Jk - I have that noona's number.

Tae - Really ?

Jk - Fun bro ! Haha
*High 5 to Jimin*


Few Weeks Later

Ananya's pov

Jungkook was constantly staring at me with his usual killer look.
I mean he is looking like he is going to stab me with a whetted knife. I tried my best to avoid his gaze.

Teacher - So as y'all are having a one week holiday. I want you guys to do group project. I will separate you all into teams now.

We three sisters were hoping that some girl group would join us but to our shock the teacher announced the unexpected..

Teacher - fourth team is Siya,Ananya,Sara,Jungkook, Taehyung & Jimin.

"What ?" We screamed out of shock.

Teacher - Final decision. You can't change.

We all sigh and stared at each other. "Lazy boys" I heard Siya di & Sara di muttering under the silence.

Sisters pov

We all ran behind the Kim Brothers to stop them. They intentionally wanted to make us run behind them. We catch our breathe and take deep inhale & exhales so hard.

Siya - Are you deaf ? How long will we scream ?

Tae - Its my wish. Who told you run & scream our names, Siya.. "Hey stop !"
*Imitates the last part*

Sara - Stop imitating my didi, you fools !

Jimin - If you try to back answer us then we'll not help you do the project.

Sara - No.. No pls don't say like that.

Jimin - That's my girl.

Jungkook - Now game is in our hands.

Ananya - Let's see.

All of us were glaring at each other. Siya di got a call and after seeing the caller ID she was happy.

She slid to answer the phone..

Siya - Hey, I missed you. When are you going to come for Korea ?

Tae's Thought - Who is that idiot ? I'll be happy if that stupid doesn't keep is head in South Korea.

We all were exchanging confusion eyes, while Taehyung was like a bit jealous.

He was peeping through Siya Di's phone to check the caller ID. Ananya & Sara, Jimin & Jungkook looked at Tae with a teasing face.

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