2 Why Suddenly?

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Part 2 Why Suddenly?

Aman noticed Sheetal the entire conference and understood she was upset. There was a charm that always resided on her face missed at the time of her presentation. He waited for the conference to get over.

Arnav was discussing something with Shyam and Akash. After an hour, Shyam went to his cabin and Arnav came to his cabin with Akash, finishing the discussion. Sending off the invitees, Aman came to Arnav's cabin.

"What's wrong with Sheetal?" Aman asked.

Akash switched his gaze to Arnav from Aman whereas Arnav leaned on his seat.

"Why are you questioning me? You better ask Sheetal. You will get an instant reply," Arnav said.

"It's because I know, somewhat, you would be the reason why she is upset"

Arnav rolled his eyes.

"She was so brisk this morning. I saw change in her only after your arrival"

"What's the point?"

"What did you say? Did you hurt her anyways?"

Here, Akash took lead.

"It's not Arnav's mistake, Aman. He just said what he felt..."

"Felt? What did you say?"

"I said, whatever people talking about our relationship is rubbish," Arnav said.


"Yes, because there was nothing called a relationship between us"

Aman pulled the chair in front of his table and sat.

"What's your problem, Arnav? Nani is worrying about you and your wedding. You are not ready to give a look to any girl. What's there in your mind?"

"There is nothing in my mind"

"This is the problem... we know Sheetal. She genuinely likes you. I'm sure you won't get an understanding girl like Sheetal"


"Simple... marry her and be relaxing"

"What about you? will you be waiting for an understanding girl to come into your life?"

"How could I do that not knowing whether I will get one or not?"

"What will you do if the girl you got is not understanding?"

"What could I do? I will try to understand her..."

"So, getting an understanding girl is not at all matter, right?"

"What are you trying to say?"

"Sheetal understands me... it doesn't mean she is fit to be my wife"

"What do you mean, ASR? Don't you know she has feelings for you?"

"Here, you are mentioning, feeling or something... I never felt it for her. Then how this relationship works? I can't see her beyond friendship."


"Aman, if he is clear, he has no feelings for Sheetal, there is no point to talk about it," Akash said.

"Frankly speak Akash, what you would have done if Sheetal like a girl loves you?"

Akash smiled with a blush. Aman rolled his eyes.

"Stop blushing and answer me..."

"I would have accepted her with wide open arms"

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