61 The Glass

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Part 61 The Glass

Arnav gritted his teeth wrathfully. How could the woman whom he thought his friend be so ruthless? How could she think of making Khushi's womb unfertilized? She should not be left easily. She had to be taught a good lesson. Arnav thought.

"She is admitted to the City Hospital now," Ratna said.

"I am not going to leave her" Arnav roared.

"Arnavji, calm down. She already got the punishment" Khushi tried to make him calm down.

"This is not enough for her... How could she stoop so low? She has been cheating me in the name of friendship. She is a snake in the grass. She tried to annihilate my posterity damn it...! How could I leave her easily?" He sneered.

"But nothing happened as what she expected..." she said in a low tone.

Cutting her,

"What if Maa was not with you? What would have happened then? You would have been crying for your whole life... And, more than that, will you say she won't do anything hereafter? I never think she would be so heartless. If she can do this without hesitation, she will do anything more than this. And, I'm sure she will not regret her doings. She became arrogant these days"

"Chotte is right. This matter should not be left easily, Khushi" Nani said angrily.

"But we have no proof, Naniji. How could we prove she is the one who made it?" Khushi asked.

"I have the proof," Said Ratna.

Arnav and Khushi looked at her awestruck.

"Do you have proof? What's that Maa?"

"The glass in which Sheetal mixed the Powder"

Arnav was stunned.

"Where is that?"

"I kept it in Amma's room under her bed"

"That's enough", Arnav said.

"But it didn't affect me but Sheetal. How would it be considered?"

"My lawyer will take care of it"

Khushi sighed.

"And, just now I got to know one thing. Lavanya is in love with Akash" Arnav said.

"How do you know?" Nani asked.

"Lavanya herself told me. She wants me to talk to Akash because he denied her proposal because she is my sister" Arnav said with confusion.

"What are you going to do now?" Nani asked.

"I have not thought about it yet. I don't want to hurry because it's about Lavanya's life. At the same time, I won't delay because I don't to Lavanya get hurt"

"Why not we go to Maya's house with the excuse of Lavanya's proposal?" Nani asked.

"No Nani we should not alert her. We should go to her house on announced. Then only we can see exactly what's there in her house" Arnav said.

Nani nodded yes affirmatively.

"Khushi, bring the glass from Nani's room. I will give it to the lab to get it tested" Arnav said.

Khushi nodded okay and went to Nani's room. She found a little badam Keer in the glass. She bought it to Arnav's room cautiously. She secured the glass in a brown cover and gave it to Arnav. Taking it from Khushi, Arnav kept it on the table.

That was when they heard noise from outside. All of them came out and saw Anjana with her suitcase and bag.

"Are you going somewhere?" Nani asked.

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