38 Black Magician

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Part 38 Black Magician

Arnav was lying on the bed, thinking about Khushi and also about her birth story. He had no doubt that Khushi saw his mother in her dream. Her birth story might have been said by HER mother but no one knew about the kiss he delivered to her soft tiny toes. Khushi's mother was unconscious at that time. Only his mother knew about it. So, his mother was with him... She was watching him... Her blessings were still with him. That thought soothed him. He had overcome many dangerous phases. His mother should be the one who saved him from them. She was the one who brought Khushi to RM to protect him from the killers. His mother knew what he wanted.

He could still remember Khushi's birth incident because that was the first time he heard such a horrible scream from a woman. She delivered a cute baby girl followed by a scream. He was so scared and was standing with his father a little away from the temple. He became excited when his mother came up with a baby, wrapping her in HIS towel.

What a fate...! Who could expect that cutie would be his WOULD-BE wife? An intact smile appeared on his lips when he remembered how he kissed her toes. He sat on the bed, thinking about something. Khushi's reaction to the kiss confused him. It didn't seem she was affected by the talks about the kiss. She looked so casual. Didn't she have any feelings for him? Didn't she love him? Did she really fine with this marriage or did she agree to it only for Nani? Arnav was confused. Whatever, she would be all right after the marriage. Arnav supposed.

Arnav was right. Khushi was not affected because her mind was only on Ratna and on about finding the killer. This marriage was a medium to do that. Arnav had no idea what she thought about marriage. It would be better if she didn't react to it. But, how did Arnav know about her fear?


At the same time, Nani dialed Pantid. He attended it.

"Maji, I was thinking of calling you"

"Anything serious, Panditji?"

"Yes, Maji... Arnav and Khushi's wedding should happen this month itself. Otherwise, they can never be one"

"What are you saying, Panditji?"

Nani looked at Khushi shockingly. Snatching the phone from her, Khushi turned the speaker on.

"Yes, there is a big danger waiting for your grandson. It's very hard for him to overcome it. Get him married to Khushi. Her divinity will protect him. If not, he can't be protected"

Khushi looked at Ratna restlessly who was equally restless.

"Ask him for the marriage dates," Ratna said.

Khushi repeated it to Nani and Nani asked Pandit the same.

"There are three dates in this month. One is this week. The second one is next week and the third one is in the last week. Though you have time I won't suggest you delay the wedding. It must happen as soon as possible. Please don't make it difficult" Though his voice sounded soft it was purely a warning.

"Jee Pantidji... we will try to make it," Nani said looking at Khushi who looked at Ratna.

"Fix the marriage date, and tell me, Maji"

"Ok, Panditji"

Nani looked at Khushi ruefully.

"I don't know what will Chotte say"

"I think we have no choice other than telling him about Ratna Maji" Khushi said.

Nani nodded yes. Ratna was also silent.

"I will tell him tomorrow morning," Khushi said.

Ratna was about to say something,

"Maji, please... don't stop me. Let him do anything... we have to tell him and I'm going to tell him about you. As of now, we could cut off on the truth of our family member's involvement. Let him find it out on his own"

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