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Damien's POV

I was planning on spend the whole day with my amazing mate, when early in the morning my T.I.C mind linked me telling me that we had an issue on the western boarder of our territory. Getting out of bed I quickly throw on a shirt, with a last look at my beautiful mate, and I ran out the door.

When I make it to the boarder I'm greeted with 20 of my men fighting off about 30 rouges. I was shocked to say the least, but I didn't miss a beat before shifting and jumping into the action. Something was wrong, very wrong, why were these rouges attacking for no reason? And the most troubling thought was why were they working together? It took about half an hour but, we finally got rid of the last rouge. I was about to turn around when I got the most horrifying mind link I could imagine.

Alpha, we don't know where Scarlett is.

I blacked out, I don't remember what happen next. My pack members said that my wolf took over and I went ballistic. When I finally came back to reality I was in the middle of someone else's territory, broken trees all around me, and worse of all about 50 dead rouges all around me. I never knew what happened all I knew was that I caused all of this damage. What am I going to do?

It took me about a hour, but I found a dirt road that lead me to a small house. Quickly running up to the door I knocked and not a minute passed by before the door was opened to reveal a girl with brown hair and brown eyes to match. There was a moment where we were both silent, staring each other down before she spoke.

"Are you going to just stand there stare at me or are you going to come in and tell me your name?"

As an alpha I didn't like to feel disrespected. "Tell me yours first." I all but growled at the girl.

"Arielle Peters of the Midnight Water pack." She must have sensed my power because she spoke respectfully as she said her name .

"I'm Alpha Damien of the Silver Moon pack." Power radiating off of the way I said my pack's name.

I was very proud of my pack, we have the largest pack in the U.S., we train hard, and we have a fair ruling. Every single one of my wolves would gladly go and fight for a cause that their alpha found worthy.

Just thinking about my pack had me remember Scarlett being gone. That isn't the only reminder, when suddenly I felt a stinging in my arm. The stinging could only mean one thing....

Who ever is hurting my mate has a death wish, that I will gladly make happen.

Scarlett's POV

The voices in my head won't stop. All they brought with them is the pain of my past. The past that I wish I could block out, but can't its my own personal torture having to remember all the horrible things I've seen and have had done to me.

The memories alone were enough to make Raine whimper. The memory of being beaten by our own mother, being with Eli, being touched by men that paid my father, my father coming into my room in the middle of the night.

It's all to much. Enough to bring me back to the place where I hated life and was ready to end it all. It's ironic that just being taken away from my mate can bring me back to my own personal torture.

My mate.

He is the one thing that has me holding onto life right now. I found a rock in here sharp enough to slit my wrists. My own salvation to the pain. Most would call cutting a cowardly way out or a call for attention, but they don't realize how low you must be to sink to the level of dragging a blade across your skin. It's addictive. You get memorized by the droplets of scarlet popping up on the skin, the stinging sensation, the momentary destruction from the emotional pain. Its the perfect outlet.... I just hope I'll be able to stop again when Damien finds me.

hey guys long time no see, so I decided to create a Facebook page for the book here's the link if you guys like the story please go like the page.

PS: pic of Arielle.

Also a HUGE shout out to my new editor Heart921, seriously she is amazing! GO TO HER PAGE AND READ HER STORY!

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