The Truth Comes Out

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Seeing Eli today has set me completely on edge. I thought I saw the last of him the day I ran from his house.

As much as I wish I could say that I hate his guts, I can't. He was my first love, and you don't forget that. It may have been an abusive relationship, but it was a real relationship for me. I didn't really have alot of them growing up, so the fact that he showed me attention was a thrill for me.

Now that he's back though..... I have to tell Damien. I just decided last night to accept him as my mate, so we have to be completely honest with each other. This aught to be fun (Note the sarcasm).

Walking to my locker I was shocked to see Damien waiting there for me. I mean yes, on our date I told him that I was going to accept him, but he's suppose to be the big mean, strict alpha. I've always heard that alphas were different to their mates though. Still I was glad to see him.

Without a second thought, I run and jump in his arms kissing him, right in the middle of the hallway, not caring what people saw. The sparks that were erupting were addicting. Before it got to heated though, Damien pulled away.

"Wow, you must have missed me." Damien stated with a chuckle.

"Maybe" I said while giving him a wink.

Right now our relationship was on the mend. We aren't good yet, but we're getting there.

"Wow, Scarlett! I didn't believe Eli when he told me that you were here, but now I get to see you for myself." I know that voice all to well. He's Eli's best friend, the one that Eli didn't care what he did to me. Adam.

I turned slowly, dreading what I already know I'll see when I turn. This can not be happening! You don't get away from Eli without consequences, I don't know why I even thought I could.

"Hi, I'm Damien. And you are?" Damien pulled me into his side when he noticed my stiffness. It's a possessive action, but tight now I'm so thankful for it.

"Baby, I think we better go" I rush out lacing our fingers and practically running out of the school with Damien in tow.

Once we were outside, I couldn't stand on my feet anymore. Sinking to my knees I finally let my anxiety break though. Shaking, my breathes were coming out in short gasps. Damien squats down to look me in the eyes, taking ahold oh my hands.

"Babe, what's going on with that guy in there. You were perfectly fine until he stowed up." Damien brought my hands to his lips, kissing them all over the knuckles.

Okay, it's time to tell him.

"Before I came to this school, I had a boyfriend. He was my first love, Eli. It wasn't a good relationship. When he got mad he would hit me, taught me 'lessons' for when I was disrespectful, and he would never let me out of his sight. I guess I stayed with him because he actually gave me attention. Something I never really had, and I wanted to have attention so desperately. After about two years I had enough, so I tried to leave. He wouldn't let me, so I had to climb out the bathroom window. Adam is his best friend. I thought that I've seen the last of them, until today." At this point I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. "Nobody gets out of their group that easily, I was such a fool for thinking that they would just let me go."

I was silent, waiting for Damien to say something. After a minute he simply pulled me to him and gave me a sweet kiss.

"Well he'll have to kill me to get you back." It wasn't a joke, it was a promise, that I'm positive the Damien will keep.

Hello lovlies! So it's like extremely cold were I am and my parents just had me walk to dogs, while I was in my pyjamas! And my hair wet o.O parents confuse me. Anyways, it's honestly been a long week. I may not be posting as offter. I have some personal stuff going on right now, but I'll try. Until later lovelies :)

Ps. Picture of Adam on the side

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