35. Shringar

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:::Warning: Slightly mature!
Only proceed if you are comfortable


I ran outside after hearing Srishti screaming Rooh's name, my heart throbbing against my chest like a bird trying to escape from it's cage. I ran so fast that I had to take the support of the wall to halt my steps. Panting heavily I looked their way only to find both of them fighting over halwa. I closed my eyes for a moment thinking the universe that it was not what I anticipated through the scream and took a deep breath before walking towards them who were playing tug of war with the bowl of halwa.

"Guys, there is more of that in kitchen..
Hello? Can you hear me?"

I stood there trying to stop their fight but neither of them paid any attention to my words. Shaking my head at their childish behaviour, I thought of going back to the kitchen and brought them another bowl of halwa. Keeping the other bowl on the centre table I spoke hoping they would listen this time.

"Here is another bowl.."

Still no reaction? I kept my hands on the either sides of my waist looking at them like a father glaring at his children who are fighting with eachother. I took out my phone to check the time, a little gasp left my mouth it was already 12. Having no choice I took steps in their direction and held Rooh from behind which halted her action as she left the bowl which Srishti snatched quickly.

"Why did you do that?"

Rooh whined, now looking at me with a small pout lingering on her face after loosing her favourite dish. I chuckled seeing her cute face and leaned down to peck her pout and whispered just above her lips.

"My darling, there is more halwa in the kitchen, you can eat that later. It is already 12 and WE need to get you ready for the performance."

I emphasised on the word 'We' to remind her about what we decided this morning. Her cheeks turned red at the realisation as she nodded and cleared her throat before making her way to our room. I signalled Srishti that we will be in our room to which she nodded not forgetting to give me a teasing smile.

I sighed, in attempt to shake off my nervousness that erupted in me at the thought of helping her get ready for the performance. How can I make someone already perfect better? Who is already more beautiful than the oceans, trees, mountains... Before going to our room I went in the kitchen and carried the sandwiches I had prepared for her with me.

Reaching the entrance I stood outside for a second taking in deep breathes reminding myself that I can do this, she herself agreed to this but how would one feel when they have to adorn their Goddess? That's what I was feeling while standing outside the door. I knew once I step in it's going to be whole ride for my heart.


I called for her once I came inside and kept the sandwiches on the coffee table in front of the couch that was kept at the corner of the room. I looked up when I heard the sound of her anklets , the sound I fell in love with.. the one that drowns me till I am on my knees ready to surrender my existence to the holder of those anklets.

And there she was, my woman standing in front of me, wearing a red blouse and the underskirt with her saree and the anklets in her hands, her wet hairs covering the bare back of blouse.

Did my heart skipped a beat the moment she came to my view? No, but my heart for sure did stopped working normally for all those seconds we stood infront of eachother at the distance of just 4 steps but we both knew once we took those 4 steps there is no going back. Heck! I
don't want to go back from here ever.

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