Chapter 209 I"m now stopping the outdoor training

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The six-circle officers turned into charcoal as Bargan's flames swallowed their whole bodies.

"H-How...? I-I... have... the... b-bloodstone..." Frels muttered as she looked at the crimson-colored stone in her hands. Her body was slowly crumbling away. She couldn't feel anything from her body. The same thing was happening to the rest of the six-circle officers. Two of them died on the spot as soon as the flames landed on their bodies.

She the only one who could speak among the six-circle officers, thanks to the power of bloodstone.

To think that they would fail this mission. It was unforgivable to the Deadly Sins.

"Huff... We... will... c-come back... you... shouldn't stop... our... mission..." She muttered with great effort. The crimson-colored stone fell on the ground along with her hand.

The black robe she was wearing was slowly dissipating into thin air.

The six-circle officers didn't have a chance to fight at all. They suffered an overwhelming defeat today.

Bargan Hevifield, the Flame Master, showed his power to the students this day. As one of the most powerful figures in the whole Hebrei Kingdom, the students could rarely see such a figure showed his power.

"It will take an army of your level to stop me..." Bargan said before he walked towards Alex.

"Grr..." Souta who was watching this scene gritted his teeth. The extreme pain once again assaulted his body. His muscles were twitching uncontrollably. It was painful.

The best feram were seeping into his mana pool. Cracks started to appear in his mana pool as the best feram suppressed all the mana in his body. The cells on his body were dying one by one as it couldn't take the power of the best feram.

'It hurts... I'm suffering more pain than those people! Damn!' Souta lifted his head and he looked at the six-circle officers with madness in his eyes.

Suddenly, the energy in his body exploded.


Countless black spikes burst out of the ground. Not just black spikes, black tentacles also rose from the ground. All of Souta's spell started to appear around him.

"Argh!" Souta screamed but his eyes were still on the six-circle officers. He raised his hand with great effort and some of the black spikes pierced the bodies of the six-circle officer.

Bargan appeared in front of Souta. The black spikes couldn't do anything to his body. He lifted his hand and tapped Souta's forehead with his fingers.

"Sleep..." Bargan muttered and Souta lost his consciousness. The spells around Souta also disappeared. He shook his head and said, "You're too reckless for your own good. I don't know how will this affect your body."

Before he fell Bargan caught his body. He then placed Souta on the ground and started to heal his wounds.

"Bargan, you're here." Someone called Bargan from behind.

Bargan slightly turned his head and saw that it was the captain of the corps guardians. "I'm sorry that I couldn't save your subordinates." He said in an apologetic tone.

"No, don't be sorry. I'm sure that they were grateful that you save the students. Their sacrifice wasn't in vain." The captain of the corps guardians shook his head and said. He then looked at the unconscious Souta. "Is that Souta? The one who used the monster potion."

"Yes, and it's bad this time as he drunk two potions," Bargan replied to him.

"Two potions? That's insane..." The captain if the corps guardian couldn't believe what he heard.

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