Chapter 215 Dark Oculus

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"I'm just joking but I accept your condition," Souta said as he waved his hands. He then turned his attention to Yujin.

Yujin looked around and found that everyone was gazing at him. Oh right? Every person here was a member of Souta's party except the child.

He shrugged his shoulders and sighed deeply. "Fine, I'll join your party with the same condition as Alice. I'm a busy person after all and I couldn't always join you in your quest."

"Good. I have no problem with it." Souta smiled and nodded with a satisfied expression on his face. Taking Alice and Yujin to his party was a good choice and he knew that he won't regret it. Their power was no joke at all.

"Me too! I wanted to join your party, Brother Souta!" Cluster raised her hand while jumping.

"Okay, but not now." Souta nodded at her before he stretched out his hand and patted Cluster's head.

"Ehhh!? Why!?" Cluster cried out. She doesn't want to be left out by her brother and sister. She doesn't want to stay in Lumilia's room alone for a whole week. It feels as if she was in jail or a hostage.

Yuko slightly opened her eyes as she felt that Souta's hand left her head. She looked up and saw Souta was patting Cluster.

"Mu." She raised her hand and wrapped it around Souta's hand.

"Oh...?" Souta looked at Yuko and he smiled gently. He used his other hand to pet her.

"Souta, I've been wondering this for a while..." Bryan said as he placed his finger on his lower lips while glancing at the ceiling.

Souta raised his eyebrows as he focused his attention on Bryan. He didn't expect much since this was Bryan. He naturally lowered his expectation to prepare himself.

"What's the name of our party? The other parties in the Adventurers Guild have their own names like Gale Group or Twisting Sand Group, so I've been wondering why don't we have the same cool name." Bryan said with an innocent smile.

Now that Bryan mentioned it, everyone stopped and gazed at him. All of them realized that they didn't have a name for their party. They only called it Souta's party. Even those people from the guild also called them Souta's party.

"Nice, Bryan!" Brando raised a thumbs up towards Bryan. He also wanted to have a name for their party other than Souta's party.

"Bryan is right. I think that we should name our party." Lumilia said while looking at Souta. She wanted to know his opinion about this.

Lynn, Alice, and Yujin didn't join their discussion. They were new members of the party so they thought that they shouldn't join a meeting as important as this one. They didn't know that Souta didn't care about whether they just join the group or not.

"Okay, I'm fine with naming our party." Souta shrugged his shoulder. He didn't care about the name of his party. In the game, his IGN was a simple word "Blood". It was not good nor a bad IGN. It was an average IGN that a lot of people used but he used the authority of his grandpa to make it his own. Of course, Souta couldn't remember it.

He used this word as his IGN because of the time when he fought in the game and saw the realistic scene of blood figures of people.

That's the same when he first arrived here in this world. If he wanted a cool name, he wouldn't use his name when naming himself in the system.

"So what should we name our party? Do you have something in your mind?" Lumilia asked him. She was acting as if she was his assistant or secretary.

"Nothing, I'll leave it to you." Souta shook his head as he didn't want to bother himself from naming his party.

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