Chapter 367 - Isabella Dynaie

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The festival started and the whole street was filled with people of different races but most of the people here were humans.

Lights and lanterns illuminated the city and various people wearing strange outfits were dancing on the plaza. Different stalls were placed in each corner of the street and games were played by children.

It was lively and full of people that were laughing all over the place. Some of the drunkards were arguing while some were watching it.

"Oh? This is amazing..." Souta muttered as he looked around with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, it's really good." Alice couldn't help but nod her head.

She was going to say something when fireworks flew into the sky and created a bright flash of light consisting of various colors.

Souta and Alice looked up and watched the fireworks displayed its beauty to the people inside the city.

"It's beautiful, right?" Gyun asked as he looked at the two.

"Yeah, it's amazing." Souta nodded at him.

"Actually, this is the first time that we joined the dungeon festival in this city," Mae said to him.

"Yeah, we're all over the place so we didn't stay in a city for a long time," Limber said while watching the fireworks.

"Every time we got a quest, we've always moved to another city to complete it," Ginji said.

"It's not that bad," Rini added.

"How long have you guys know each other?" Souta asked them.

"We've known each other for a long time. But I met them seven years ago." Mae said.

"For me, I've known Gyun for nine years..." Johnie said.

"I'm the newest in our party so I've only known you guys for three years," Rini said as she looked at her comrades.

Gyun glanced at Souta and said, "Well, it's different for everyone but we've known each other for a long time."

"I see..." Souta nodded as the fireworks slowly disappeared. The fireworks just ended and the sky became dark once again.


The group was outside the pub drinking some beer while watching the show. After the festival dance, there will be a fighting competition.

A lot of people were watching the dance show and they were also here for the fighting competition that will be held after this dance show.

"Oh? It's going to start!" Gyun said as he wiped the beer on the corner of his mouth.

"Hu!!! Let's bet!!" Johnie said as he drunk a whole glass of beer.

"You guys are so loud! Just watch the show silently!" Mae said as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

The dance show was completed and the festival moved to the next event, the fighting competition.

All large guilds sent some of their members to join this competition. The only problem that most of the people that join weren't that strong. This competition was for entertainment so they didn't send their powerful members.

Souta leaned on his chair as he observed the fighting competition. He then moved his eyes to the people near the stage.


He saw some of the people have collars on their necks. Slaves were really legal in this sub-world. Those rich-looking people were accompanied by at least one or two slaves.

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