Chapter 365 - Living Labyrinth

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Souta woke up early in the morning in the brothel. He managed to vent some of the frustration that he had in the girls in this brothel. It was a refreshing feeling.

'Why must you always bring me when you're going to do it?' Saya sounds like she was complaining. Well, she was his weapon so she could understand it but hearing and seeing it was a different thing.

He ignored her as quickly wore his clothes and met with others. The festival will start today at night.

Alice was already with the mercenaries when Souta and Yuko arrived at their meeting place.

"So what do you want to do today?" Gyun, the leader of the mercenary group, asked Souta.

"Hmm... We'll go inside the labyrinth later but first, we'll check the market to see if there's something we could buy here." Souta replied to him after pondering for a while.

"Oh? We'll also go in the labyrinth to see if we could earn something. You should go with us." Gyun said with a smile on his face.

Souta looked at Alice and saw her nodding at him. He then turned to Gyun and said, "Okay."

"Good. Then, we'll tour you in the market." Gyun said and the rest of his comrades nodded their head.

They didn't have a problem with their leader's decision.


The group went around the market and they see a lot of expensive things. High-grade weapons, armors, and potions were all over the place.

For Gyun and others, it's high-grade equipment but for Souta and Alice. They could only shake their head in disappointment. They shouldn't expect something in this world.

All the equipment that they've found were just colorless and yellow grade equipment. It seems that blue grade was already rare in this world.

Even Souta's normal clothes in Ladros City were already blue grade, so he wasn't satisfied by what he saw in the market. He could guess that all the things in the treasury of the Dark Oculus Legion surpassed the wealth of this entire city. Well, that's just his guess based on the things that he saw here.

Gyun and the rest bought something while Souta and Alice didn't buy a single thing in the market. They asked the two why they didn't buy and Souta answered them that nothing picked his interest with all the things here.

After that, they went to a pub and ordered meals to fill up their empty stomach. They wouldn't go to the labyrinth while they were hungry.

Then, they head to the site of the living labyrinth. The famed dungeon of this world. The unclearable dungeon.

Souta, Alice, and the six mercenaries were on the first floor of the labyrinth. The monster on this floor was just wolves and slimes. Both were non-evolve and pretty ordinary in their race.

They easily handled these types of monsters without any problem.

The second floor was the same. There's not much difference so they took it easily. It's the same for the third, fourth, and fifth floors. The only difference was that the increase in number of the monsters that were appearing or respawning.

Then, there's the sixth floor. The environment changed on this floor. Even though Souta went to different living labyrinths in the game, he was still amazed when he saw this.

The whole place got wider and taller. Trees flooded the entire floor as if it was a jungle or some kind of forest. The mana here was denser than it was on the upper floors.

"Souta, Alice, be careful. this floor is dangerous." Gyun warned the two as he warily looked at his surrounding while moving forward.

Johnie, Mae, Limber, Rini, and Ginji turned serious. They know the danger of this floor so they had to be cautious.

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