Chapter 325 - Confession

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Brando groaned in pain as he pushed himself into a seating position.

The doctor and cleric weren't in the room. They just finished checking his condition along with Bryan who was still unconscious on the bed beside him.

The healing spell and potion worked on him. He could properly move his body but there were still wounds that weren't healed as the healing spell that was used on him was just tier 1.

"I'm useless. Even after all of that, they still managed to take Cluster."

Brando tightly clenched his fists. He took a deep breath to calm himself. He glanced at Bryan who was still sleeping beside him. He didn't know when will Bryan wake up so he decided to leave him alone.

He will go after Souta and the rest. It wasn't for Souta nor Cl.u.s.ter. It was for himself. He wanted something to prove to himself that he was a great shielder.

"I need to do something."

Brando narrowed his eyes as he resolved himself to fix his mistakes. He then turned to Bryan and said, "I'm sorry, Bryan. I will leave you alone here."

He stood up and quietly left the room. He didn't let any other people saw him leave this place. He was sure that someone would recognize him outside so he had to go away from this place as fast as possible.

"Hmm... This should be fine for now."

Brando left the district three and decided to rest in the district four. Just a little bit of running and he was already out of breath. He already expected it as he wasn't fully recovered.

He looked around him and was quite shocked. The devastation brought by the attackers was worse than he imagined. The whole city was destroyed and almost no buildings were left standing.


Brando turned around as he heard a voice behind him. He found two elderly people looking at him. A man and a woman.

"Hello, do you need some help?" He smiled and greeted them politely.

"Are you a student of Ladros Institute?" The old man asked him.

"Yes. I'm a student of Ladros Institute." Brando replied to the old man.

"What happened to the student there?" The old woman slowly asked him in a trembling tone.

He could feel her emotion. The fear was passed to him through her voice. Brando looked at them for a few moments before he decided to answer the old woman's question.

"Prepare yourself, ma'am and sir. It's sad to say this but... most of the students died and a lot of teachers died too. Not just the teachers and students, even the people that are living here have mostly died. From your question, I can guess that you're from another city and your child is studying in the institute."

Brando felt his heart tightened as he looked at the appearance of the two elders. They came here to find their child despite the disaster that hit this city.

The old woman started to sob and the old man comforted her.

"Sob... My daughter... She is a cheerful yet shy girl... So how could she..." The old woman said in a muffled sound.

"It's okay. Our daughter is strong. Also, we haven't found her body so there's a chance that she's still alive." The old man said in a gentle tone while patting her.

"That's right, ma'am. Just wait until you've seen her." Brando said to the old woman.

"But... I can't help but be worried about her..." The old woman said while sobbing.

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