Chapter 313 - Collapse of the Ladros City: Killing Another Seven-Circle Officer

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The roar of the seven hundred feet tall creature shook the entire sky. The Underground King was tightly grabbing the chains around his body. He was tearing these chains apart.

The fluctuations of his energy caused several explosions around the city and enormous cracks formed on the ground. The cracks spread around the city. It separated each district. Energy waves will burst out of the cracks from time to time.

It was a terrifying scene. It was like the world will end as the mana in the atmosphere was slowly disappearing because of the best feram of a monster lord.

The whole city was being distorted. It was twisting as the Underground King was pulling the massive chains.

Everyone who witnessed this scene felt their scalp go numb. The chilly sensation of the air was hard to describe. They were like an insect in front of a giant predator.

People who got caught up in the energy waves that were bursting out of the cracks died instantly. The same could be said for those people who fell on the cracks.

The ordinary people that were in the range of best feram died from suffocation. They were too weak to withstand the power of the best feram of a monster lord. People below rank-F could only accept their fate.

In just a few minutes, the casualties increased by two fold. No one expected this kind of thing. The forces of the Ladros City and the Seven Deadly Sins were oblivious to the plan of a third party.

The seven-circle officers who were fighting the teachers and nobles stopped attacking each other as they looked at the monster lord with a gloomy expression.

Everyone could only rely on the mana inside their body, their mana pool. The mana in the atmosphere was hopeless. It was pushed back by tremendous energy.

"Why the hell is a monster lord here in this city?!" Pavoni, a seven-circle officer said with annoyance in his tone.

"Ufufu, let's return... We already complete our purpose. We don't need to destroy this city ourselves as that monster lord will destroy this city even without us saying anything to that monster lord." Frammie, also a seven-circle officer, said.

If they stay here any longer, they will only put themselves in danger.

Suddenly, she felt the piece of paper in her pocket vibrated.


She took it out and saw that it was emitting a dim light. This was a transmission talisman. This sign means that someone was trying to connect to her talisman.

She channeled her mana and opened her connection. As soon as she opened it, a voice came out of the talisman.

"We take down the airship and retrieve the bloodstone. We lose some of our men but we still achieved our goal. How is your side?"

"Hmmmmm..." Frammie placed a finger on her lips as she examined her surrounding before she replied, "Well, we also complete our goal but some unexpected things occurred. A monster lord appeared here."

"What?!" The voice from the other side grew louder.

"Ufufu, don't worry... We'll fall back but casting a teleportation spell under this pressure will take a lot of time." Frammie said and she cut the connection before the other side could say something.


Everything was out of order. Even the reinforcement from other cities couldn't do a thing about this problem.

Lumilia had a grave expression on her face. She couldn't contact Bryan, Brando, and Cluster. And now, Alice and Yujin were gone after the monster lord appeared.

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