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We have settled down to this beautiful view Infront of us & there is a peaceful silence between us this time. 
"How many times have you been here before?" I ask him.
"Quite a few times, I don't have to come till here to watch sunset, there's carter road near my college I often go there during sunsets" he says.
"With..." I don't know why I asked this.
"My friends...& girlfriends sometimes...but I just hate to go out with any of my girlfriends anywhere. I don't prefer the girl drama...you know talking all the time...I find them a little bit annoying."
"Careful Mr. Shaikh or I'll take it on myself..." I twitch my eyes.
He chuckles and says, "You are nothing like them & do I need metaphors to tell you anything?".
I shake my head. The conversation between us is making the scenario more beautiful. We take two cups of tea from a local vendor and sipping the tea our conversation continues...

"So, I take it as u too love tea over coffee." He asks.
"Nope I am a coffee person, but I don't have demands like if I don't get coffee, I will choose the other option."
"Hmm understanding person you are I see..."

He is teasing me again for this why??? but there is a question on my mind right now and as I have no filters, I am just going to let it out.

"In the train you asked me if I like your habit of creating suspense and I said yes. Is there something about me that you might add to this 'like' thing from your side...?"

He looks at me in amused way as if he didn't saw this question coming. OfCourse, he didn't. This is who I am. UNEXPECTED!

"There is one thing IN you that I like..." He spoke. 
He forced the word 'in.'
"What is it?"
"Umm no I can't tell you that, you will think I am some sort of a creep or anything...or cheap...or any bad word that comes to you mind right now."
"You are just dramatic Shaad. Just tell me already."
"Alert for you, DO NOT JUDGE ME, OKAY?"
"I like your tooth..."
"Tooth???? or teethes?"
"Nope, tooth...singular."

I am actually a bit confused here. How can someone like someone's tooth, singular. And I know my smile is super wide that my almost more than twenty teethes are visible when I smile, but to notice 'a tooth' rather than my smile, this is the most absurd compliment I've ever received.

"When you smile, there this one tooth on the upper side, the last incisor tooth which is slightly above your third incisor basically overlapping it and is a little bit outward than your other teethes also, that's the smallest tooth and it looks too cute when you smile, the tooth makes your smile more beautiful." He explains.

How the hell can someone notice this much. He is making me self-conscious right now. My tooth is in outward direction...why didn't I noticed this before.

"Did I say something wrong?" He asks.
"No, it's not like that, I am just thinking how and when did you noticed this."
"The very first time I saw you smiling."
"You are quite an observant. NOTED!"
"& you are an open book anyone can read"
"Then why don't he read me..."

I am talking about ashfaque here...every time someone says something good to me, I feel like its waste as it didn't affected ashfaque though.

"May be his is illiterate." He punctuates. 

We both chuckled.

"Are you bored or tired?" He asks formally.
"Nope. I am having the best time of my life till today here, and I discovered you are a talker as well huh!"
"Yes, I am. I just don't prefer to talk to everyone."
"Oh! I must be special then."

He looks into my eyes, our eyes locks as he nods says "Yes you are!" 

This instantly reminded me when Shaad asked me the same question and I said the same answer as he did. He did that on purpose. CRAFTY.

"I Hope you had your day out as you expected it to be." He smiles.
"To be honest I didn't expect anything."
"So, I am that bad...I should add that to my notes."
"It's not about you. It's just that, every time I expect something I am the one who gets hurt by my own expectations and then I feel like a clown."

He pauses for a few seconds...holds my hands and makes me look at him saying,
"It's not your expectations that makes you look like a clown or breaks you, it's the people you expect from. Learn to know the difference from whom you can expect and from whom you just can't have anything, no matter how hard you try, you can't catch air."

The wind rushes into my ears, my negative thoughts have faded all of a sudden, my mind is clear. No questions. No worries. Just an empty brain in my head and a heart full of emotions in my chest right now. He understands the art of affirmation.
"How do you manage to be so calm with me, aren't you annoyed, for once?" I asked.
"I have already been through what you are going through...there was no one for me & I don't want you to feel there is no one for you "he explains.
When did I got so lucky to have someone like him in my life. Is he faking all this, I don't know people changes with time I should not get emotionally attached to him.

"Let's go. Or we will be late for the class" I stands up.
"As you say" he stood up too.
"Before we start walking, I want to ask you one last thing" me and my never-ending questions. "How was your day?" I ask him.
"It was perfectly perfect. I know it's not a correct word, but I don't have a correct word to express it. I've never talked to anyone this much before, never expressed myself so well, but somethings happen for the first time, isn't it? and I am glad my 'these' first times were with you." he says so much in one go.
I smile looking at him straight, what is this person, a playboy? innocent? kindhearted? pretentious?

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