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I am healing. It's because of Shaad's love, but he hasn't called me or texted me for once in these weeks as if he has completely forgot my existence. Its April, one year since his father passed away. I hope he is doing well, handling himself and his mom. I hope he is not worried about me; I mean I am his it's just a matter of time and then we will be back, never to be separated again. Ashfaque has become nice to me. Really good to me, as a friend he is great to have. I am in fact glad that he is here with me in my tough time. Every person I thought is important to me, every person I love has left me, first Komal and then Afrid too, but this man, ashfaque, stayed unexpectedly. Yeah, Afrid has left me too. We don't talk anymore. I have no idea what I did wrong to him, what is going on in his mind I have no clue, he just randomly walked out of my life as if I was nothing to him. Ashfaque has accepted the fact that no matter whatever he does for me, even if he plucks the stars and the moon, he can never be Shaad to me. Shaad have me even when we are not together, and this is the greatest example of love can be possible even when distant. The way I love Shaad I had never ever love anyone like that not I ever will.

ASHFAQUE: I have some news for you.

ME: The deal between us ends?

ASHFAQUE: Not so fast girl. It's the bad news for you and good news for me.

ME: Be clear.

ASHFAQUE: Remember when you said you want proofs. Get ready at the evening, I'll give you proofs.

ME: Proof of what?

ASHFAQUE: That he never loved you.

ME: Ashfaque, it's not a challenge.

ASHFAQUE: It is to me, I will break your confidence, the trust you have on him will shatter just wait till today evening.

ME: Spit it up right now.

ASHFAQUE: No, wait and get yourself prepared for the worst heartbreak ever. Goodbye.

What is he talking about? heartbreak? I am not ready for another heartbreak. I am done already with what Afrid and Komal did to me, now I can't bear anymore. But what is it? It's about Shaad, did he unloved me so fast? has he moved on? No, no, NO! I should not get all this on my mind. He is mine, my Shaad can never do anything bad to me, not in his worst nightmares. But the way ashfaque said this with conviction, I am having a really bad feeling. I have no choice but to wait till the evening.  

Its evening. My heart is racing in my chest. I call ashfaque,

"Did you forget its evening already come on tell me already." I start yelling at him.
"Allright disconnect the call and check the screenshots I have sent you. GOOD EVENING." he says with extra efforts on 'good evening.' This literally means it's going to be the worst evening ever.

I disconnect the call and opens the screenshots. There are three screenshots he has sent me.

Is it possible for humans to die without actually dying. Because it's happening. It's the screenshots of ashfaque and Shaad's chats. 

ASHFAQUE: Hey bro, are you actually serious about Muskan. She just keeps saying, Shaad is like this, Shaad is like that...

SHAAD: Are you mad? She is the one who came for me so I am just using her.


SHAAD: Look, as a friend of yours I am telling you to stay away from that girl. She is characterless.

ASHFAQUE: What are you talking about.

SHAAD: Truth.

ASHFAQUE: How? How are you using her.

SHAAD: Look do not tell this to anyone but, Muskan has slept with me.


SHAAD: Yeah, in fact she forced me to sleep with her. So, as a boy why will I lose this opportunity.

ASHFAQUE: Bro, are you telling me the truth? When she was with me, she never allowed me to even touch her.

SHAAD: This is hundred percent true that she has slept with me. I impressed her with my words and actions, she thought I am I love with her, how foolish of her.

ASHFAQUE: What is she comes to know about all this?

SHAAD: Then I'll just block her from everywhere. What can she do then, on the contrary I got what I wanted I did to her what I wanted to do. I slept with her my job is done.  She can go to hell now I don't care. 

I-I just don't have any words to say. I am shattered to my core. Shaad said all this. I don't believe ashfaque, I should just call Shaad directly and ask him. 

Shaad isn't answering my calls, I've called him thirty-two times. For the first eighteen times he didn't pick up my phone and then he blocked me. I message him on WhatsApp, I am blocked there as well, same on Instagram. Ashfaque was correct? Did Shaad never love me? This can't be happening to me. What did I do wrong to lose very person I love. Komal, Afrid and now Shaad. WHAT HAVE I DONE TO NOT DESERVE LOVE.

ASHFAQUE: Hey you, okay?

ME: Tell me it's all a lie ashfaque my heart---my heart is wrenched ashfaque please., please, please tell me it's just a joke. I am shattering ashfaque please.

ASHFAQUE: HeY, hey calm down. It's not a lie that it's his words. He has told me these things, but I do know whatever he has said is a lie. I know you have not slept with him. Don't worry I am not judging you.

ME: Fuck the judgment part I don't care about it ashfaque I want to talk to Shaad. ashfaque please, please call him, tell him to talk to me meet me I have so much on my mind to ask him. Why did he do this to me please.

ASHFAQUE: Muskan okay just calm down okay I'll call him and ask him to meet you okay.

ME: Yeah, be quick.

I am begging on my knees for Shaad, for someone who never loved me? What am I doing. I just saw the way he talked about me. How can he say that. I love him so much.

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