I'm Okay

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Primrose's POV

I run all the way home and stop at our front door to clean my face of running tears. I do my best to stop crying but I just can't. I can't believe Harry would do this to me. I thought he really loved me.

I take a deep breath and open the door.

"Hey, Primmy. Whatcha want for dinner?" Louis asks me. I just lose it. I begin to cry and run straight to my room. I fall onto the floor and ball my eyes out. I hear Lou run after me and twist the door knob. But I locked the dor. "Primrose! Let me in!" He bangs on the door. It just makes me cry harder. "Louis! Leave me alone!"

He stops knocking and I hear the lock turn and he opens the door. "Primrose! What is wrong with you?" He kneels down beside me.

So I tell him everything. About Harry. How we've been together for a month and didn't tell anyone.  I can tell Lou gets angry about me not telling him, but he comforts me. "Harry Styles is a complete asshole. He's in my grade at school. You are way out of his league, Primmy. I don't know what you were thinking."

We sit there for a while. Neither one of us talking. He stands up and looks back at me. "Are you okay?"

Really? Do I look like I'm okay? I just caught my boyfriend cheating on me. Yeah, sure. I'm definitly okay. No, Louis, I'm not fucking okay at all.

"Yeah, Lou. I'm fine. I'll be fine."

"Really sorry about this, Primrose. You deserve so much better."

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