We Push

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Prim's P.O.V
I've been practicing nonstop for the past week. I have to preform two songs tonight. I'm either going home, or winning. There's three of us left. Me, Louis's band, and a girl named Rebecca.
So I'm standing backstage, again. About to head on to perform.
The song I chose is simple, but hopefully enough to get me votes.

I preform. I sing my absolute heart out. I think alright. I take a deep breath and hope that it was good enough..
The judges compliment me like they always do. Demi said my performance made her cry. But I know I could have done better.
We all spread out onto the stage.
Oh gosh.
I'm in the middle. One direction to my left, Rebecca to the left.
"The first act through on the public votes is-" The announcer pauses to read the slip of paper. "Primrose."
I feel the weight of the world fall on my shoulders.
Thank goodness. I'm not going home. I stand there
"The last act going through on the public votes is. . . . . Rebecca."
My jaw drops. No... Sometimes I forget that I'm competing against my brother and his band. I knew eventually it would come down to this. Of course I want to win, but I just thought that they would.
We're rushed of the steps. No..
I stumble around everywhere looking for the boys. I find them by a table full of foods.
I sling my arms around Louis. "I'm so sorry." I mumble in his ear. We break apart. I take a moment to look at all the boys.
I'm still having trouble figuring out all their names. But I'm positive the blonde on is Niall.
"It should have been y'all. Not me." I become uncomfortable. I wrap myself in my arms and stare at the floor.
"Honestly, you deserve this more than I do." Harry whispers. Ugh. It's been weeks but I'm still pissed at him.
"Yeah. You have to win know Primmy." Niall winks. When Louis first introduced me to him, he called me Primmy. And he hasn't called me anything but that since.
I nod. "Im sorry guys." I mumble again.
"It's fine. This isn't the end for us."
I look up to see one of them, Liam I think, with his arms out. I give me a sort of sideways hugs and allow the other boys into a group hug. Even Harry. Just so the others don't ask questions.
One of them murmur something. Then another says it. Then another. Then another. Till all the boys have said it. Then all at once they say, "We push."
"We push," I repeat with a smile when we break apart. A small tear slips from my eye.
"Yeah." Zayn pats me back.
"See ya after you win, Kiddo!" Louis ruffles my curled hair.

Before I know it I'm on stage, about to find out who the winner is.

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