Changes|bonus chapter

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Hey! So um basically since I got 10k reads, I've decided to write a bonus chapter. So hey. Thanks for reading and stuff. :3 I hope you liked it because it all kinda sucked.


Prim's P.O.V

I sit on the couch with my boyfriend, Harry. We've been together for a little while. And I love him. I've given him everything. My time, my love, my innocence. He's my everything.

Maybe that's wrong to say since I'm sixteen and most people say I'm too young to know what love is. But that's the thing. They don't know about us. Not my parents, or siblings or friends. No one.

Harry and I have been watching some movie about suicide. It's really depressing.

I look to him and say, "I could never commit suicide. There's just too much too lose. And the people that you have to leave behind will only be hurt by your death.. I could never do it."

"Me either. I honestly don't see much of a point in killing yourself. Like things always get better. But they'll only get worse for the people around you if you kill yourself. I could never even think about do that."

••years later••

Louis's P.O.V

I come here often. The cemetery. Where my sister and best friend were buried after their suicides. Their gravestones were put close to each other, though they weren't buried together.

Today is the anniversary of Prim's death, tomorrow will be Harry's. I can hardly believe it's been fifteen years. I still remember showing up at the hospital just after my family discovered the news. I didn't know what was happening. I assumed Prim had just accidentally hurt herself and was in the hospital for it. But everyone was crying and hugging and Harry was curled up in a ball on the floor, sobbing. I rushed to him and asked what was going on.

"She's dead!" he spat. That's when I felt my world crash. My little sister. Dead.

I didn't start crying. I stood up and wanted to deny it. But everyone was crying and sobbing. It was clear she was gone. And I knew just why.


Today, I brought my wife and kids along with me to the cemetery. They were never able to meet Harry or Prim. But they know who they are.

My wife's name is Kaitlin. And we have four kids. We named our oldest, Edward. Addison Grace is what named dm of our second born child. Our two other kids are Delilah and Benjamin.

I love my children so very much. I told them stories about Prim and Harry and the band I used to be in before the incident.

For a little while, we just stared the depressing stone that marks the place where our loved ones are buried just six feet under.

In loving memory of Primrose Addison Tomlinson.

In loving memory of Harry Edward Styles.

It wasn't fair what they did to us. They left me and the rest of the family here with absolutely nothing but memories.

Then, each one of us lay a flower on each of the graves. A primrose. The flower Prim was named after. I began to cry. Not sobbing. Just little tears slipping down my cheeks. Kaitlin slips her arm around me and rubs her hand on my back.

Then I turn to my children. And I hope and I pray that they never have to go through what I, Prim and Harry went through.

I hope that they always remember that they are loved, beautiful, special and that they do have a purpose and life is worth living.

I pray that they never have to cry over heartache or loss, or get urges to harm themselves. Oh, I hope their lives are perfect because I know Prim's and Harry's weren't.

"It's okay, daddy." Addison says, taking my hand.

"Louis?" I turn around and see them. The boys. Liam, Niall and Zayn. I haven't seen them in ten years.

"Guys." I throw my arms around them. They all look so much older with facial hair and children. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask.

"Same reason you are, apparently." Liam point to the graves.

I swallow spit.


After Harry died, we stopped talking. The band. We haven't seen each other in over ten years. Things just didn't work without Harry.

Now, we all sit by a campfire in my backyard. Liam tells a joke and everyone laughs. Zayn tells a story about how he toured with his wife. Niall talks about his sons. But we talk about Harry and Prim more than anything.

"Remember that one time Harry kissed Prim in the hall and Louis punched him? We didn't know what was going on. We laugh about it now." Liam chuckles.

"Remember when we visited Primmy the first time in the hospital? I cried and had to leave the room. She wasn't even my sister." Niall giggles a little. I choke up when he calls her Primmy. He's called her that since I introduced them. "She was with us so much, it felt like she was our little sister."

"Remember the funeral?" Zayn mumbles. We were all thinking it. Only too scared to say it. Silence falls over us.

"Yeah. We were sobbing. All of us. It was uncontrollable. I couldn't believe it-" my voice breaks, "damn, I just wanna drink." with that, I run to the kitchen for drinks and glasses.

As we drank and drank, it felt as if they were there. It felt like Harry was sitting next to me, laughing while we sang. It felt like Prim sat with a guitar, singing.

Too bad they're gone.

"They'll never have any of this. They were supposed to marry each other and have beautiful children. Walk with each other hand in hand through everything. Grow old together. And die together old and in love.But you know, we got that. They didn't." I choke. Niall places his hand on my back.

"I was so mad. They knew we were here. They knew we were gonna get hurt. I was pissed at them. I wanted to run and give Harry a hug and tell Primrose everything was alright. But I'd run and all I'd find were graves." Liam says, almost crying.

"I miss them. So much. I can't even believe it's been this long." Niall adds.

I raise my glass of alcohol. "Here to Harry and Prim. Forever missed."

"To Harry and Prim." they all say together and chug our drinks.

We sing, like we did years ago. No one dare says a word when Harry's part comes up first. Niall plays the guitar. But then we sing his part, all of us together.


I'm sorry if I say I need you.

But I don't care.

I'm not scared of love.

Cos when I'm not with you, I'm weaker.

Is that so wrong?

Is it so wrong that you make me strong?


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