Tattoos and Cuts.

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Harry's P.O.V

"Harry? Harry, are you awake?" My eyes slowly flutter open and I see Prim. She smiles when she sees my awake.
"Did you just wake?" I move the chair I'm in closer to her bed.
"Yeah. It's like three AM."
"I could hear you Harry.. While I was unconscious. I could hear you talking to me..." My heart skips a beat. She heard me. She actually heard me talking to her while she was unconscious. How is that possible?
I move over and sit on the side of her bed. "Did you believe anything I said?"
"All of it..." her voice trails off.
We kind of just sit there in silence. I stare at her. Her eyes are focused on the bandages..

It gets quiet for a minute. It's a calming quietness. Prim is okay. She's alive and okay.

I feel her arm reach out and touch me. "Do these hurt?" Her fingertips graze the tattoos on my shoulders.

"What? Tattoos. Not really. Kinda. Well, at first, it hurts a lot. But you just get used to the pain after a while."

She nods. I look down at my shoes for a while. Then I look at her wrist and then straight into her eyes.
"Does it hurt you? Cutting?"

"Yeah. Kinda. At first. But you get used to the pain."

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