05. the bad boy's confession

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          The lights turn off followed by the door closing indicating that the security guard is gone. I quickly push Archer away and swim up to the surface then get out of the water. Archer does the same.

          "What the fuck, Archer!" I yell at him, still pissed that he kissed me even though he was only trying to give me some of his oxygen so I could stay underwater longer.

          "You're welcome." He wrinkle his shirt to get out the excess water out.

          "You kissed me!" I stated.


          So? He took my first kiss and that's all he has to say?

          "What's the big deal?" He asks nonchalantly. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down before I go batshit crazy on him.

          "What's going on?" Jace asks once he and Carter make their way to us.

          I clench my jaw. "Take me home." I'll rather be at home than here.


          "They took me home after that," I explain to Heidi what happened last night with Archer leaving out the part where he press his lips to mine.

          Heidi seems like a trustworthy friend but I've only met her yesterday so I don't know if I can't completely trust her enough to tell her that Archer kissed me.

          "Wow. That sounds fun," Heidi exclaim then continue, "All I did yesterday night was sleep. The homework overload is killing me." I chuckle at her response as I stuff my last chicken nugget down my mouth.

          "Done?" Heidi asks.

          I nod my head yes. We get up from our seats and walk over to the trashcan to throw away our lunch tray.

          On our way there, I see the two blond girl that I saw yesterday in the bathroom with Heidi. I found out that their names are Nicole and Chastity because they were in my last period class. I continue to stare at them when I notice a sly smirk appearing on their faces like they're about to do something bad.

          My eyebrows furrow in confusion, trying to figure out what they're up to as we get closer to them.

          "Heidi-" I try to warn Heidi just in case but I was too late. She suddenly fall face down, dropping her lunch tray along the way which ends up in front of her face on the floor.

          The bad thing? Her whole face is covered in red tomato sauce from the spaghetti that we had for lunch today. The good thing? I know who the culprit is.

          I help Heidi up from the floor while she lower her head down in embarrassment.

          "Serves you right," Nicole spits out.

          I glare at her. "What did she ever do to you?"

          Nicole and Chastity stands up to face me with a glare of their own.

          "Why don't you ask her?" Chastity nod her head to Heidi. I glance at Heidi for a second before turning back to the girls.

The Bad Boy Knows How to Love (#1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum