28. the good girl and the diner

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3 months later.

Dear diary or whatever,
I don't even know why I'm writing this but since my therapist said it'll help me get better, I'll give it a try.

The last three months have been hard. Where do I even start? After I found out who send the video, I didn't press charges - against Heidi or Nicole. Of course, Heidi and Nicole got kicked out of Montrose Academy and were never heard of again. No one knows what happened to them or why they left. No one knows what happened to me. Not even Jace, Carter, or A. After that day, I dropped out of school. I wanted to leave the place. Leave everything that hurt me. So that's exactly what I did. Mom helped me look for an apartment far away but close by too. I take online classes now. What happened to me at the night of the party left scars. Scars that were invisible to the naked eye. I couldn't move on no matter how much I wanted to. That's when mom forced me to go see a therapist. Talk about my feelings. They say it would help. So I guess this journal is about me writing about my feelings

"Hi, ready to order yet?" I look up from my journal to see Elizabeth with a pad ready in her hand. I drop my pen in my journal and give her a smile.

"Yeah, I'll just get a strawberry milkshake please." I tell her and watch as she scribble down my order on her notepad.

"One strawberry milkshake coming right up," she chirps and turn to leave but I stop her.

"Is Sandy here?"

Elizabeth look at me for a few seconds in curiosity before answering, "Yeah. She's in the kitchen."

"If it's not much trouble, can you tell her Chloe wants to see her?"

"Yeah, of course." Elizabeth flash me a smile before going behind the counter and entering through a door.

I look around the diner for nothing in particular. If I work here, it wouldn't be so bad. The setting is nice and quiet with small chattering here and there. The seats are red leather. It has a vintage feel to it. The diner is not too small or big. It's the perfect size.

"Chloe. That's a nice name." Sandy appear beside me with a grin. Seeing her again puts a smile to my face.


"So Elizabeth said you wanted to see me?" She takes a seat across from me casually. I take out my pen from my journal and close my journal.

"Yeah. I was actually wondering if there's a spot open here. I need a job." I said as I put my journal in my bag along with the pen.

She gives me a surprise and confuse look. I smile nervously at her stare. "What?"

"Nothing. It's just, aren't you rich? I mean, why work at a small town diner that's an hour away?"

I'm a little surprise at her question but I didn't let it show.

"It's actually 20 minutes away. I moved to an apartment nearby." I explain. "And no, I'm not rich. My step dad is but not me. I need money to pay rent. So is there an opening?" I ask her, hoping she'll say yes.

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