27. the good girl finds out

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          "That's her, right?" A girl whisper-yell to her group of friends. I glance at them to see them staring at me. I lower my head in shame and continue walking towards Archer and Vanessa's table in the cafeteria.

          "She's so shameless. Look at her walking around here like she owns this place."

          "Archer should just dump her."

          "She doesn't deserve someone like Archer."



          Those were only some of the things I heard while making my way through the cafeteria. I wanted to scream at them to shut their mouths but I kept quiet and hold it in.

          I approach Archer's table where Vanessa is sitting next to him and across from them is Carter and Jace. The original group before I replaced Vanessa.

          I notice the whole cafeteria quieting down and it was like time had stopped in here because not a sound was uttered.

          I can feel their stares burning holes into the back of my head. They're expecting me to do something, to explode, break down, something.

          Heidi told me that Vanessa was at the party. If Vanessa knew who I was, then she's probably the one who recorded the whole thing. If she is, then she's heartless. How could she watch Heidi and Tony do that to me while recording the whole thing and forwarding it to everyone.

          I watch as Vanessa giggle at something Archer said.

          She did it. I know she did. She wants Archer back so bad that she send the video to everyone.

          I clear my throat to get the two love bird's attention. They look at me, confused and annoyed.

          "I need to talk to Archer." I look at Archer to see him avoiding my eyes. Does he hate me that much?

          "I'm busy," is all that came out of his mouth before he turns away from me and face Carter and Jace.

          I look at Carter and Jace for help. They look at me with concerned looks.

          "Archer. It's just a talk," Jace tell Archer but he stay still in his spot.

          Fine. If he don't want to talk in private, I'll talk here and now. I look at Vanessa with a glare and turn to Archer.

          "I didn't do whatever you think it was that I did. It's not what it looks like on the video. I swear, I didn't do anything with him. You have to believe me."

          Archer scoff at me in disbelief causing me to want to break down at this moment and cry.

          "Please believe me. Vanessa took the video and made it look like I did something with him but I didn't." Now this got his attention.

          Funny how I mention Vanessa's name and he looks right away. My heart ache at the thought.

          "Chloe, please. She didn't do it." Archer tell me with a calm tone. How can he be so calm when I'm hurting so much?

The Bad Boy Knows How to Love (#1)Where stories live. Discover now