25. the good girl and the party

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I can hear the sirens coming from everywhere. A second later, I can see from the corner of my eyes blue and red lights. Lots of them. But I don't break away from Archer's eyes. I know that he didn't do this. This isn't him. He would never do this. I just want him to tell me I'm right.

I went home with Heidi that night and since then, I haven't seen or hear from Archer. Jace and Carter has been avoiding me. Jace is not talking to his dad or my mom. No one knows what happened that friday-

"Move it!" Someone bump into me from behind, breaking my train of thoughts. I look behind to see a bunch of girls walking the other way. I turn back to face the exit doors in the cafeteria just in time to see Mrs. Miller, our principal, appearing from behind the closed door.

She looks furious. Her stare is cold, glaring at every student in her way. I watch as she make her way towards the crowd of students to the middle of the cafeteria.

"Attention everyone!" She raise her voice, getting everyone's attention. The whole cafeteria is silent as can be with the whole student body in here this early in the day.

I couldn't even put my books in my locker. The first thing we all had to do when we first arrived at school was to go straight to the cafeteria with the supervision of a police officer.

Speaking of, there's a group of police officers in here. One in each corner of the cafeteria and two guarding the exit doors. Plus one standing a few feet away from Mrs. Miller.

"As you all must have known by now, something happened last Friday night in this very school. Something unspeakable of. One of our own, Kenny Lee, a fellow classmate, friend, son, has been stabbed and seriously injured. As of now, he is being treated in the hospital and is being closely monitor. What we know at the moment is that three students were involved in this incident and they're being thoroughly questioned at this moment. What we can do now is pray that Kenny Lee will survive." My eyes open wide at the mention of three students. I know she's talking about Archer, Jace, and Carter. My eyes wander around the crowd of students to look for them but they're nowhere in sight.

"Officer Joe," Mrs. Miller look to the officer standing a few feet from her then back at us, "and his fellow officers will be questioning everyone all week, taking you out of class. If you know or saw anything that night, please let us know. That is all. Go to class. Thank you." She walks away from the center and out the exit doors.


Friday and there's still no update on what happened that night. I haven't seen Archer at all this week. I've seen Jace and Carter trying to avoid me in the hallways and in classrooms but no Archer. I went to his condo on Wednesday but no one answered the door. It's either he's not home or he's avoiding me. I really hope he's not. I believe in him and he needs to know that.

"You know, you've been looking like your puppy got murdered all week and it's making me really sad for you. Anything I can do to cheer you up?" Heidi approach me in the parking lot after school while I wait for mom to pick me up.

I fake a smile, "I'm fine."

She scoff knowing that I'm lying, "Girl, you're a terrible liar."

"Oh! There's a party tonight that's supposed to be crazy fun. You wanna go?" She asks, getting excited.

I shake my head to refuse. "No thanks. I'm fine with being at home." I don't feel like partying at all with everything that's happened.

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