Chapter |32|

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Chapter |32|

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Chapter |32|

They say that being happy means letting go of what weighs you down.

I guess I was a bit too late to realise that all I had to do was stand up for myself and keep sturdy. Sometimes we are a bit late to become aware of how it is in our control to get influenced by the people around us.

I stared at the clear blue water from the deck, careful enough to stay a safe distance away from the edge. The water reflected the light of the stars and the moon that appeared to shine brighter than ever.

I sat there alone, thinking about all the incidents that took place a couple of hours ago. Some might say that I was a bit harsh on them but those who say that, don't know the depths of ruins I carried until I learnt that the only way I was going to be able to fix it was building it myself.

I let out a deep breath, which was weightless of all the burden I used to carry. For once, I didn't feel forced to breathe.

The serenity that engulfed me as I sat under the blanket of the stars, made my insides settle down peacefully.

As I sat there admiring the beauty around me, I heard light footsteps echo from behind me. They came to a stop right beside me and I felt a weight settle down on my right. I didn't turn nor did I move. I just sat there, lost in the calmness around me.

"I thought you'd never come near water again," Daniel said as he stared ahead, mimicking my posture.

"And I never thought that I'd be free of Linda and Alicia. But I guess life is mysterious that way," I answered, staring at the soothing movement of the water with the wind.

We sat there in silence for a while before Daniel fidgeted a bit. He seemed a bit hesitant about something but I didn't ask. There were a lot of things I wanted to ask him but I kept my mouth shut.

"Skylar?" he called out softly, making me turn to him a little.


"Hold out your hand," he said and I fully turned my head towards him, confusion lacing my eyes.


"Just do as I say," he said in a soft voice.

I looked at him for a few seconds. Moonlight illuminated half of his face, defining his features beautifully. His stormy grey eyes stared into mine urging me to comply to his request.

I nodded after a bit and held out my hand in front of him.

He quickly dropped something into my palm and turned away, not meeting my eyes. My eyes widened as I examined the object in my hands.

My hands shook a little as I brought it closer to me. My lips parted in surprise and gratitude filled me as I saw the familiar book locket in my palm. The same one that Alicia had taken away. The one that contained a beautiful memory of the only person I loved more than my life.

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