1 - Dreams

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Fairy lights glimmer in the dark water and some may call them pretty. However, they remind me of the candles of corpses in the dead marshes, just waiting to pull me into an inky embrace and never let go. The ground seems to lurch beneath my feet and my clammy fingers grasp onto the sturdy iron wall for support.

"Come on, Elle!" Kate calls out impatiently, already a few paces ahead.

A double decker bus rumbles past and I blink back the prickle of tears. Kate's gaze flickers briefly to the canal, then she loops an arm through mine and tugs me across the bridge to safety.

"You have to see this," she announces cheerfully and I'm glad for the distraction. "They are selling freaky contacts. There are even ones with flames."

For an hour or so, we wander amongst the stalls of Camden Market. The scent of Asian spices mixes with French crepes, while shops selling antiques rub shoulders with futuristic clothes stores pumping out techno. This is one of my favourite places. It represents the wonderful fusion pot that is London.

"Let's get drinking, seeing as you are off at some ungodly hour tomorrow to commune with nature," Kate urges and wrinkles her nose.

"Yeah, well I can't see you in the countryside." I shake my head with amusement at the mere thought, for Kate is a city girl through and through.

"Not in these heels, baby," Kate jokes back.

Bronze statues of rearing horses welcome us to the stable complex and my fingers itch to caress them. I love animals, which is one of the main reasons I'm studying to be a vet. They are innocents and this is my way of giving something back.

I used to ride every day before my life was destroyed in the fire and literally reduced to ash. I had to move away and it broke my already shattered heart to leave my beloved Conker behind. But then my grandmother's London townhouse and its postage-stamp garden really weren't able to accommodate my pony.

Kate pulls at my arm. Oops, I must have wigged out again.

When we enter the bar, a dozen of my friends are sitting around a few tables shoved together.  Two metallic blue balloons in the shape of a two and a zero waft in the draft from the door.

"Look, I know you didn't want a fuss after ... well after last year..." Kate falters, then rallies with a brilliant smile. "We couldn't let you spend the very last day of your teens hiding away!"

She is instantly forgiven as I am enveloped in hugs and kisses from my friends and a glass of champagne is thrust into my hand. My looming birthday is forgotten as the conversation veers onto our upcoming trip. These past few years have been tough and I can't wait to go travelling.

"I'm so excited. First France, then Italy..."

Kate interrupts me and raises her glass with a toast, "Here's to getting some action with an Italian stallion."

"Unless you are talking about riding, I am not interested, " I insist.

"Oh yeah baby, riding!" Kate says suggestively and winks.

Everyone laughs, while I bury my flaming cheeks in my hands. My experience to date is pretty darned limited, whereas Kate is er ... how shall I put it, a free spirit.

I stand to go to the loo and the alcohol rushes to my head. I'm such a lightweight, so on the way back to our table, I stop off at the bar for a sneaky soft drink.

Not recognising the barman, I give him a shy smile. "Hi, are you new?"

He beams back and responds in a heavy Australian accent, "I've only been working here a couple of weeks. I haven't seen you around. I would definitely remember." His eyes cast down my dress. It is shorter than I'm really comfortable with, but Kate insisted.

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