42 - The Prophecy

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(Elissa's PoV)

My eyelids flutter open and I beam at the sight of the red roses in the vase by my bed. Last night was magical. Unable to contain my energy, I bound out of bed and pull open the curtains to reveal a sky as bright and as blue as my beloved's eyes.

Dressing quickly, I skip down the hall to Tabbi's room. When she doesn't answer, I let myself in and find her snuggled under the covers.

I sit down on her bed with a bounce. "Wake up, sleepy head."

Tabbi surfaces, her hair a mass of wild curls and grouches, "You seem excessively cheerful today."

I tell her about last night and she is squealing by the time I'm finished.

"I never knew my cousin could be so romantic."

"How about you and Drake? He seems crazy about you."

"Crazy?" Tabbi looks bemused, then brushing off my modern language, blushes. "He has asked to court me."

I throw my arms around Tabbi. "I am so happy for you. Now, it is a beautiful day, let's go outside."

Once Tabbi is finally dressed, we wander arm in arm around the formal gardens, giggling as we discuss the ball and our developing romances. Though the sun is shining brightly, I underestimated how cold it is outside and pull the hood of my cloak over my head.

Torbjorn is stood by a window to what I guess must be his chamber and opens it to bid us a good morning. Beside him is a distinguished looking older gentleman. There is something vaguely familiar about his face, which I just can't place.

The man blanches as if he has seen a ghost and grips the sill for support. His shaky voice is just audible, saying "Isabella?" 

Torbjorn shakes his head and guides the man away from the window.


Nerves bubble in my stomach and I take a deep breath before entering the king's private reception chamber. Torbjorn and the older man from earlier are seated in richly upholstered armchairs set around a large coffee, or should that be tea, table.

Torbjorn rises and kisses my cheeks. "Elissa, thank you for joining me. Do take a seat."

I sink into a plush seat and smooth out my skirt, resisting the urge to fidget.

"I would like to introduce you to Sirius, a dear friend of mine. He is an Elemental Mage. I thought that it might be of comfort to you if we are able to shed some light on your heritage."

"Elemental?" I query, wondering what on Earth that has to do with me.

Sirius responds, "Elemental mages have mastery over an element be it water, air, earth or fire, although fire Elementals are few and far between. The stronger mages can control more than one element and exceptionally rare mages, like my distant ancestor Thor, can command storms."

"Thor! Did he wield a hammer?" I joke, but it falls flat as both men just stare at me with bemusement. I bite my lip. "What makes you think that I'm an elemental?"

Torbjorn flourishes a hand to the jade and quartz Game of Kings set on the table before us.

"You transformed the knight and froze a fountain. There is also Prince Triton's interest in you. The Atlantans rarely leave their kingdom under the sea. We were not expecting him and he danced with no one save you."

Sirius slides a glass of water across the table towards me. "Let us start with water. See if you can coax it to move."

I can't help think how amazing it would be to be magical, so I concentrate really hard to move the water with my mind. Sirius offers helpful suggestions; however, the water remains resolutely still, not even a ripple after what must be about ten minutes of staring.

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