16 - Agape

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(Elissa's PoV)

Tossing and turning, I struggle to sleep. Suddenly I feel the presence of another in my room and sit up, clutching the covers to my chest. The old man with the golden yellow eyes is sat in a chair not far from the bed. He smiles benevolently.

Despite sensing that he is not a threat, I demand, "What are you doing in my room?"

"I need to speak with you, Elissa. You cannot remain in these Isles. Heed me! You must continue your journey."

I don't intend to stay here, however, don't like being told what to do, so challenge him, "Why?"

"You need to fulfil your quest to uncover the Light of Elysium. That you will not do here."

"What is this light?"

"That is for you to discover," he responds enigmatically.

Right. Great help. Trying not to snap at him, I ask, "Can you at least tell me where I might find it?"

"Go back to where it all started."

Not this again.


Blinking, the man vanishes and the room is bathed in sunlight. I am not aware of actually having been asleep, but it is morning. I am uncertain whether it was real or just a dream.

We are to leave the Rainbow Isle today and I am beset with an unusual bout of melancholy. While it has been fascinating to visit the different islands, I have worked out that I have been in Elysium for about eleven or twelve weeks. That makes it early September back home.

Darish enters the room carrying my dragon cup and the scent of orange and cinnamon wafts towards me.

"What troubles you?" Darish asks. He talks a lot less than Zane, but is far the more perceptive of the two.

"I was just thinking about my old life. By rights, I should be preparing to start my third year at University. But that is a world away, literally." I sigh deeply. "I just wish that I could let my friends know that I'm alright."

Darish looks at me. He has such soulful eyes and right now they are full of empathy. He pauses, considering what to say before offering me comfort, "Should you ever wish to converse, I will always be here to listen."

He and Zane have come to mean so much to me. I am resigned to making Elysium my new home and am so lucky to have them. My biggest fear is being alone.

Old memories surge to the surface. My twelve year old self in the big sterile hospital finding out that my parents were dead. Even now my stomach curdles with the remembered scent of disinfectant. While I had suffered nothing more than a little smoke inhalation, they had to dig mum and dad's charred remains out of what had been our home. I never got to see their bodies or properly say goodbye.

"But will you? Everything I have ever loved has been ripped away from me." My throat becomes clogged and I can't see properly through a film of unshed tears. "I'm scared Darish. What if I lose you and Zane too?"

"I will always be here for you Elissa," he insists.

Darish wraps his arms around me and holds me tightly as I breakdown. I feel safe, like a boat in a harbour while the storm rages at sea.

The Light of Elysiumحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن