40 - Mid-Winter Ball

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Aren's Pov.

I fiddle with the starchy, high collar of my shirt while Drake knocks on Tabbi's door. Ever since that game of chase in the woods, I have observed Drake's gaze soften each time he espies my little cousin. It is a relief that he has been making the honourable first steps of courtship, for I would not wish to fall out. It was Elissa's idea for the four of us to attend the ball together.

"Come on," Drake calls and I follow him into Tabbi's room.

I freeze and everything else fades into the background as I drink in the sight of Elissa.  I have always found her attractive; even as a prisoner at Corinth her beauty had shone. Tonight though, she is utterly stunning in a pure white ballgown sparkling with silvery threads.

"Elissa, you are a vision. You quite simply take my breath away."

She fingers the gold brocaded lapels of my jacket. "Well you, Aren, look very fine too. My Prince Charming."

I bathe in her admiration, until my thoughts flicker to all the unattached gentlemen who will be attending the ball. "Perhaps we should just stay here."

Smiling, Elissa shakes her head. "Aren, your family is hosting this ball. You have to attend." 

"Fine, but no dancing with strange men." I pout, but she laughs at me; her joy and excitement are palpable. I cannot possibly begrudge her this evening, even if I was not duty-bound to attend, and offer up my arm.

The four of us make our way down the main stairs and to the entrance to the ballroom. The heavy oak doors are open; one emblazoned with a huge golden lion and the other a golden bear; my family emblems.

Once announced, we pass inside and Elissa's hand tightens on my arm as she looks around in awe. I try to see it anew.

The ballroom is the largest and most ostentatious room in the entire castle, larger even than the Great Hall. It is made to seem even more spacious by the gilded mirrors lining one wall and the darkened windows lining the other; both reflecting the room's opulence.

Huge chandeliers hang down from the ceiling, crystals sparkling. The ceiling itself is painted with a scene of Cernunnos leading a wild hunt, an assortment of men and animals in his entourage.

We are among the first to arrive, for I would not wish to face mother's wrath if we were late. Gentle chamber music plays as the guests stream in behind us.

As the strains of a waltz start, I whisk Elissa onto the dance floor for the first dance. Twirling around with the woman I love in my arms, it is as if I am dancing on air. Drake and Tabbi dance nearby and after several dances we swap partners.

Needing a breather, we flop onto the cushioned seat in one of the bow windows. Who knew that balls could be so much fun?

A liveried attendant glides over to furnish us with drinks. Barely have I taken a draft when father approaches.

"Your mother wishes me to remind you that we are hosts and as such you should be sociable and dance with some of our guests."

"But father, this ball is in Leo's honour.  I am not here to find a match; I already have one." I look to Elissa, her white dress making me think longingly about our future.

"Still my son, you are a prince of this court and it would be rude if you did not at least give a show of dancing with some of the ladies here."

I huff, but father just laughs, hauls me out of my seat and slaps me on the back. Reluctantly I walk away, determined to do the barest minimum to be polite and then return to my beloved.

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