45 - Destiny calling

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(Elissa PoV)

A disturbance in the air heralds Cosmos's presence, however, I ignore him and refuse to lift my head. He has visited me on each of the past five nights now and we have had the same disagreement. Each morning I've awoken feeling tired and emotionally wrought. It doesn't help that it's my time of the moon, or whatever they call it here.

"Elissa, you cannot remain here. We need to discuss this."

I spin around to face him and snap, "We do not discuss. You tell me I must leave and I don't want to. We are at an impasse. Unless you have any chocolate, leave me be, I am not in the mood."

Ignoring me, he ploughs on, "Lord Nero is gathering an army at the Animages' northern border and Lord Fintan is doing the same at the eastern border. The aim is to mount a surprise attack on two fronts. Do you wish blood to be shed at your expense?"

I flinch for of course I don't want that.

As if sensing pending victory, he pushes further, "Tell me of your prince. Do you believe that he will let Lord Nero take you? No doubt he will fight, to the death if need be."

The thought of risking Aren's life is unbearable. Gathering all of my courage, I decide I must do the right thing. "Ok, I will surrender then. I am willing to sacrifice myself to keep them safe."

"No. I cannot have you fall into Lucifer's hands."

"OMG, is the devil after me too?"

He looks at me blankly. "What do you mean?"

"You said Lucifer."

"That is my son."

"You named him after the devil?" My eyes widen in alarm. "Is he that evil?"

Cosmos looks offended. "It means 'shining one' or 'light-bearer'. For the most part he is a good man and a great king. However, I had not expected such an aggressive move on his part."

Stroking his chin, he sits in quiet contemplation. I clear my throat to get his attention.

"Continue your journey." He places a fatherly hand upon my shoulder and reasons, "Arcadia will be safe and you can finally meet your father."

My father! Should I stay, or should I go? My heart clenches. "I will think about it."

"Do not take too long, for you are running out of time."


The sky is still dark when I awake. After several more troubling visits from Cosmos, I don't feel like there is a choice but to follow his direction if I'm to protect those I love. His plan is for me to travel under the cover of night and seek sanctuary with my father's family.

The thought of finding my father is a further torment. I yearn to meet him, but this would be at the cost of leaving the family I have only just found, and I can't help worrying whether he will want to know me.

My mind is a whirling mess and sleep is an impossibility. So, I slip on my elven training clothes and I make my way over to the training hall. Sometimes it helps to centre myself through a good workout.

Barely have I started exercising, when Bram's voice causes me to start. "Trouble sleeping too?"

He motions to the rack of weapons. I shake my head, not up for sparring with him today.

Bram frowns, misinterpreting my reticence. "I know that Aren disapproves of us sparring together. I can assure you that I have no romantic interest in you, only brotherly affection."

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