46 - Icarus

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(Aren's PoV)

Not yet ready to go to bed, I lounge on a settee with my feet up on a table and a glass of amber liquor nestled in one hand. A knock on the door causes me to frown. Who could be calling at this time of night?

Opening the door with a flourish, I am shocked to be confronted by a figure in a voluminous, midnight blue cloak. I breathe a sigh of relief, recognising Elissa's features half-hidden within the shadowy depths of the raised hood.

She does not say a word and the emotions dancing in her eyes are difficult to interpret. I hover with indecision, for I really should turn her away. Instead, I surreptitiously check that the corridor is empty before ushering her inside and resolutely closing the door.

"I will be in a lot of trouble if you are discovered in my chambers."

Elissa just stands there and bites her lip. I know that it means that she is nervous, but it always makes me want to kiss her.

"Here, let me take your cloak." Unclasping it, my knuckles whiten on the material as I espy what lies beneath.

Allowing the outer garment to fall from her shoulders and pool on the floor by her feet, I take a step back. My gaze slowly burns its way down her body, barely hidden in a flimsy concoction of pale pink silk and white lace.

Hmmm, my kitten looks edible. The tiger's presence is prominent in my mind and I am sure that my eyes must be swirled with hazel when they return to her face.

She strokes my arm. "Say something. Do you like it? Do I please you?" She fiddles with the rose pink, satin ribbon around her waist and mutters under her breath, "God how corny! I wrapped myself up like a gift."

I hear her, for all my senses are focused upon her. I try to reassure her. "Elissa, I like it very, very much. I want nothing more than to peel it from you. Alas, that cannot be tonight."

My hand clenches in a fist to stop myself from reaching out to her. A few tears bead, making her eyes glitter even more than normal. She hastily wipes them away, as if I might not notice. I hate to see her upset and know that it must have taken courage to come here tonight.

"Elissa please do not cry. We will be together soon. I need to abide by my oath to my parents. If not for that promise, then this night would take a different turn."

Just a few more moons.

"Aren, please will you just hold me? Nothing more," she implores, and I am helpless but to obey.

I scoop her into my arms and carry her bridal style through to my bed chamber. I gently lay her on my bed, something I have dreamed of, just not quite like this. Lying beside her, I brush away fresh tears and tenderly kiss her eyelids, before enfolding her in my arms.

Once she is calm, I prop myself up on one elbow and look down on her. The sight of her hair fanned out over my pillow stirs something within me. By the gods, she is so beautiful.

My heart swells with love and I place an innocent kiss upon her soft lips. Thinking that one more will not hurt, I linger and am soon pulled in by their drugging effect.

Breathless, I pull away, my control teetering dangerously. The tiger growls and urges, Let me feel skin on skin.

Struggling with my shirt, I end up getting impatient and rip it open, sending buttons flying. I cast the annoying item of clothing aside and I bend over my beloved once more.

It is not enough though, so easing back, my hands slide up her body, taking the flimsy material with them. Moulding my body with hers once more, my skin almost sighs with relief at the contact. My lips nestle in the crook of her neck.

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