41 - Promises

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(Elissa's PoV)

Now that I have sung, one might say for my supper, I am finally able to face the thought of eating something. So, we adjourn to the room next door where a veritable banquet is laid out upon long tables and I'm spoilt for choice. The kitchens must have been slaving away for days.

Almost as soon as we return to the ballroom, Torbjorn approaches and before the king has had a chance to utter a word, Aren says, "No!" The king begs a final favour, that Aren should meet with a party from some place I've never heard of.

"Fine," Aren snaps, indicating that it is anything but. "After this, my princely duties are done for the night."

I can't help feeling a bit deflated as Aren walks away and stare into my glass. It is better not to watch as ladies fawn upon him. On the previous occasions I have been left alone this evening, my friends at court have been kind enough to ask me to dance. First Drake, then Bram, then Ray and even Gawain.

"Would you care to take a turn of the dance floor with me?" Torbjorn asks, to my surprise.

He is a handsome man with the same twinkling blue eyes as Aren and looks to be in his forties, though I understand that he's actually in his eighties. While he has the regal disposition expected of a king, he has always been warm and welcoming, never making me feel the inferiority of my position.

It seems like no time at all when the dance ends and I see a face from my past. After thanking Torbjorn with a polite curtsey, I trip over the room to say hello to Oren, Lord of the Emerald Isle. It seems such an age since I last saw him.

"Lord Oren. It is a pleasure to meet you again."

"Truly Elissa, the pleasure is all mine. I must confess that I hoped that we would meet." He kisses my hand. "You look absolutely stunning. Would you do me the honour of dancing with me?"

Without thought, I accept and part way through the dance Oren comments, "I hear that a certain young prince is rather taken with you."

I blush slightly, responding, "And I with him."

Oren gives a slightly pained expression and I realise that may not have been tactful. "I see that my hopes are crushed." Rallying he asks, "My sister Laurel is here and would like to see you, if you can spare the time."

"Of course." While, Laurel spent most of her time hooking up with Zane, it would be nice to see her again.

We cross over to Laurel, who is stood with a young, pretty red-haired woman, who Oren introduces as his sister Rowan.

I kiss Laurel's cheek. "How have you been? I don't suppose you have seen Zane recently."

She looks momentarily crestfallen. Damn me and my big mouth.

She responds, "You know Zane, he is ever the wanderer."

"Well, if you do cross his or Darish's path, can you let them know where I am? We got separated and I have no way to contact them."

Just as Laurel opens her mouth to speak, Rowan interrupts and hooks her arm through mine. "Could you show me where I can freshen up?"

She is rather over-familiar, nevertheless I escort her to where the powder rooms are. In the quiet of the corridor Rowan stops.

"I wanted to take the opportunity to talk with you alone. My brother is still quite taken with you. I wonder if you have reconsidered his offer."

I'm taken aback by her blunt approach and try to be tactful. "Your brother is most kind, but I believe that I have found my home here in Arcadia."

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