43 - The element of air

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(Elissa's PoV)

My ears prick at hearing the name Cosmos. "Is Cosmos a common name?"

Torbjorn pushes a glass of strong spirit into Sirius's trembling hands and shakes his head. "It is not so common. Why do you ask?"

"I have been receiving aid from a man with that name. He has the most unusual golden-yellow eyes."

Sirius drops the glass and stares at me. "That is not possible."

I wonder what I have said now.

Torbjorn looks shaken too. "The only man in Elysium with golden eyes is the High King. He is the only son of King Cosmos." He gestures to Sirius. "The old king, Sirius's brother died that night, when I was but a child. I cannot think how you could possibly speak with him now."

"No!" I jump up. "No, it can't be true."

I can't cope with the thought of a dead king haunting my dreams on top everything. Cracks form in the barrier that I have spent years carefully crafting to protect myself from the pain of the past. My long hair ripples around me in a breeze that seems to have sprung up out of nowhere and the fire roars in the grate.

Everyone is staring at me. It is all too much, so I turn and run.

I keep on running, out of the castle and crunch across the frozen grass. I have no idea where I'm going, only that I need some space. Grey clouds scuttle across the sun and the temperature plummets. Despite having no cloak, I don't feel a thing.

Finding myself at the banks of a river, I stop to consider which way to go. The water ripples and a dozen or so blue and green haired nymphs bob up, forming a semicircle. The water in the centre starts churning and from the boiling mass Triton slowly emerges. Water droplets cascade down his bare silvery chest.

Holding his arms to his side, Triton raises his hands palms up and behind him, a huge wall of water surges skywards. Turning his hands, palm down, the water arches over them and crashes down to form a dome of water around just the two of us.

Mesmerised, I am vaguely aware of the screech of an eagle and then Aren beating his fists down upon an impenetrable wall.

Triton bows. "How fortuitous. I wished to speak with you before I departed. On behalf of my father, I offer you the aid of Atlantis should you ever require it."

"Thank you." I bite my lip. He is an intimidating presence, but curiosity gives me bravery. "Triton, may I ask? Did you know an Isabella? I had a dream that she met an elf in an underwater garden, where he proposed."

Triton gives a slight incline of his head. "Indeed, you saw a true account of the past."

I'm not quite sure how to feel about having a vision of the past. "Who was the elven male?"

"That is not my secret to tell. What I can say is that your powers are awakening. Take good council for they will surge like the spring tide under a full moon."

"Am I an Elemental?"

Triton smiles as if I've said something amusing. "You are hope." With that strange utterance, he sinks down, disappearing into the river.

The dome starts to disintegrate, starting at the apex, but before the wall of water has fully receded, Aren crashes through it, his face a mask of anguish.

The Light of ElysiumOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora