30 - A new dawn

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(Aren's PoV.)

The glass door to Elissa's room is a daunting thing. I just stand there on the balcony staring at it before plucking up the courage to knock as loudly as I dare. I hold my breath and I wait to see if she will answer.

Alright, I admit that this is not the first time that I have clandestinely approached a lady's chambers, however, this is different. I am not here to make a conquest, I just want to see her.

There is the sound of movement, the heavy curtain is pulled back and then I am rewarded with the sight of Elissa as she opens the door. Her nightgown is thin, white cotton and I try not the notice the effect of the cold night's air. She shivers and wraps her arms around herself.

I could warm her up, the tiger purrs in my head.

"Can I help you?" Her voice is terser than normal.

"I did not get the chance to say goodnight." Internally I wince. That was a bit pathetic.

"You were the guest of honour. I am sure you had many important people to speak with."

"None more than you, my sweet ..."

"Don't call me that," Elissa interrupts and physically recoils.

My heart constricts and I hang my head. I meant to call her 'my sweetheart', but perhaps I misinterpreted her interest.

She rests a hand on my arm. "That's what he called me."

I growl. I would dearly like to make Nero pay. The eagle and the tiger are right there with me. For her sake, I rein in the anger and stare into her beautiful green eyes, at a loss for what to say.

When she shivers again, I kiss her hand. "I will let you sleep. Goodnight, beautiful." 

Transforming into an eagle, I fly up into the night, away from the one that pulls at my being, urging me to return.


My sleep is fitful and after hastily dressing I once more transform into an eagle and take off into the blue-grey sky of predawn. My wings carry me back to her balcony and again I face that door. I rap my knuckles against the glass. I have a bit of a wait before a sleepy looking Elissa finally opens the door. 

"You again!"

Looking first at the ground and then at her through my eyelashes, I confess, "I could not sleep."

"So, you thought that you would wake me up?"  She raises an eyebrow, but her face shows more amusement than discontent.

"You were the first thing on my mind." I give her a grin and cheekily ask, "As you are up, perchance could we go for a stroll?"

She shakes her head and gives an exaggerated sigh. "I suppose it's useless to try and go back to sleep any way. Ok, let me get dressed. I'll meet you downstairs."

I fly down and idly toe at the dew-laden grass with the tip of my boot as I wait. Though it is cool outside, my palms are sweaty and upon hearing soft footsteps, I wipe them on my trousers.

Offering Elissa my arm, we take the path up to the arbour on the hill. It has impressive views down over the valley and is a prime spot to watch the sun rising over Arcadia.

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