48 - A face from the past

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(Elissa's PoV)

I find it impossible to open my eyes when someone gently shakes me. Last night, or should that be yesterday? It is all so confusing. Anyway, I slept terribly, and my fitful rest was plagued with nightmares of Corinth.

"My child," a female voice speaks, followed by a masculine voice adding, "Our cousins, the nymphs have returned for you."

Feeling like I have a heavy dose of jet-lag, it takes a tremendous effort to push myself upright. I rub my bleary eyes and the shadowy figures of the dryads slowly swim into focus. Yay, it's dark again.

I begin to wonder whether I will ever see sunlight again. After taking some sustenance, I trudge back towards the river. God, I would do almost anything for a cup of coffee right now.

The moon is valiantly trying to shine through thick cloud cover and gives just enough illumination to highlight the concern etched on the two nymphs' faces. Not really what I want to see.

"We have already scouted out the area and the riverbanks are thick with dark elves," states one of the nymphs.

"Particularly around the castle," the other chips in and causes my stomach to lurch around the leaden lump of dryad bread.

"We risk discovery if we continue as before."

I can't stay here indefinitely but if we move then I risk discovery by Nero's elves. I really don't want to consider what will happen if I'm captured. Despair grips me. "Whatever are we to do?"

"The river is quite deep along this stretch. If we swim along the bottom, then we should be able to pass unnoticed."

"There is a slight flaw in your plan." At her frown, I point out the obvious, "I cannot breathe underwater and there is no way I can hold my breath for that long."

The nymph smiles serenely at me. "We will create a magical ward around you."

Another head bobs up. "Are we ready sisters?"

The thought of being pulled under the dark water terrifies me. However, Nero scares me ever more and there seems no other option. Get a bloody grip, Elle. Do you want to enjoy the hospitality at chez Corinth again? No, well stop being a wimp.

Every cell within me screams as we sink down and the water closes over my head, plunging me into utter darkness. The pressure on my chest increases and my head gets dizzy with a lack of air.

A soothing voice whispers in my ear, "Breathe."

I have to force myself to breathe and inhale heavy, slightly damp air into my screaming lungs. It is disconcerting, a bit like breathing in a steam room. Submerged as we are in the pitch black, the nymph's hands in mine are the only thing anchoring me to reality.

Our bodies skimming close to the riverbed, we move forward at a slow but steady pace, with the third dryad scouting ahead. All the while I grow more and more anxious, deprived of my senses and fearing discovery at any moment.

A slight prickling sensation down my spine grows increasingly uncomfortable and I can't shake the feeling of being watched. Not sure if it's just my paranoia, I glance upwards; light from flaming torches filters down from above.

My blood turns to ice. Stood on the bank, surrounded by guards, is Nero. A mournful howl penetrates the silence.

The nymphs slow down to prevent even the slightest disturbance on the surface. At any moment I expect an arrow to come slicing through the water.  Inch by inch, we move forward, and my heartbeat sounds so loud that it must surely attract their attention.

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