81 - Journey's end

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Elissa's PoV

Dusk's eyes cast appreciatively down Kai's retreating form and there is a muffled sniggering from one of the twins. He breaks into a rueful grin, unabashed at having been caught checking Kai out.

After first dropping off Cain and Cade, Dusk shows me to my room. He throws open the shutters, letting in air and revealing a pleasant view of undulating vineyards. There is something in the handsome lines of his face that remind me of Zane and it causes my stomach to clench.

"Why the long face?" he queries.

"Well, I got attacked by dark elves and tomorrow I'm going to be prisoner of this awful king."

"Do not worry about Lucifer. He is not as bad as people think. My sister has been his mistress for solars."

Uh oh! I cover my mouth with a hand.

Placing a friendly arm around me, he reassures, "Dawn will look out for you."


"My sister. Mother named us after the time of our birth. I am not sure what herbal pain relief she was on." He waggles his eyebrows.

I giggle. "Well, it could have been worse. You could have been called 'Lunch' or 'Twilight'."

"True." He laughs. "Although your hotness, Kai, could call me anything he wants."

"He's not mine," I protest, even as I feel a blush heating my cheeks.

"Sweetness, he cannot keep his eyes off you. Now, let me get you a towel. We Dragonites are so hot we have no need."

Before I can say anything, he is off, taking the light-hearted moment with him. Left alone, all my doubts flood back, threatening to drown me. I have to remain strong.

Moments later the door swings open, however, it is not our host but Kai's brooding form standing in the doorway. He looks even more angry than normal.

"What is the matter?"

"I spoke to the king." A muscle ticks in Kai's jaw. "He promises that he will treat you well. However, everything in me screams that this is wrong."

I am so confused and being pulled in different directions. I still love my prince, but part of me yearns to be with my warrior but my fate lies at the heart of the realm. When Kai's lips come crashing down on mine, I do nothing to stop them. This is my last day of freedom and I want to feel something other than doubt.

My eyelids flicker open in time to see Dusk placing a towel on the end of the bed. He fans his face and winks before disappearing.


I couldn't eat a thing this morning and my mood is as gloomy as the grey sky above. Each of Antares's wingbeats draws us closer to my journey's end.

The river undulates below like a giant silver snake and in the distance, what I imagine must be the city of Avalon comes into view. It reminds me of Venice with the way it is built along the riverbanks and on several islands linked together by bridges.

One of the islands is set apart from the others and is completely surrounded by a wall. Within the fortifications is a palace built of pale honey stone and extensive gardens. It looks too fair to be the High King's lair.

Apparently we are unable to land directly on the island due to the magical protection around it, so Antares banks and alights in front of an arched bridge leading to the only entrance. The portcullis and gate are open and standing there waiting, is the king himself.

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