19 - Capture

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(Elissa's PoV)

I don't like the thought of leaving Roth, but I need to get out of here. So before the creepy elf can reach me, I spring up and start running along the path to the village. A chilling laugh echoes behind me, but I don't dare look back to check if I'm being pursued.

A second black-clad figure steps out from behind a tree and blocks the path ahead. Running flat out, I narrowly avoid a collision and at the last moment dart sideways, off of the path and into the trees.

A third figure appears and forces me to go deeper into the forest. I urge my muscles to go even faster, dodging between the trees and trying to avoid grasping branches and snagging brambles. I feel just like prey being herded by wolves.

I adjust my course, heading back towards where the village should be. There is no obvious noise to indicate pursuit, although the sound of my breathing and my feet crunching over twigs and leaves seems abnormally loud to my ears.

At last the distant lights of the village come into view and the sight gives me hope that safety is at last within reach. Risking a look backwards, I cannot see anyone, though it is too dark amongst the trees.

Just as I am turning my head back, I crash into a hard object and rebound off, falling backwards. I land on the ground and lay there winded, temporarily unable to move.

A dark shadow falls over me. The first elf comes into view and there is a triumphant look upon his face. My position is too vulnerable, so I scramble backwards, trying to put off the inevitable.

He simply keeps pace and then his eyes flicker upwards. I glance over my shoulder and all hope of escape dies at the sight of the other two figures standing there each with an arrow trained on me.

The first elf pounces. Sitting astride me, he leans over and pins my wrists above my head; I am snared like a fly in a spider's web.

"Were you not taught the folly of running from a dark elf?" He bends even closer, his mouth by my ear and taunts, "I would take my prize, but you are meant for my Lord."

A dark elf! Like the one that attacked me several moons ago. I buck beneath his weight and shout hoping to attract attention, "HELP! Please someone. HELP!"

He is far too strong and manages to shackle both of my wrist in one of his hands. Then with his free hand, he brandishes a dagger. The flat of the metal blade traces down my face and rest on my lips, its cold menace stilling my movements.

"Take care with your words, lest you lose your tongue," he hisses.

He pulls back, no longer needing to restrain me, having rendered me rigid with fear. The blade continues its journey down my chin, neck, collarbone and rests in my cleavage, close to my galloping heart.

There is an alien likeness as he cocks his head. He pushes back my hair and sneers in distaste at what he sees. Have my ears offended him?

"What are you? Some fifthly elfling?" He spits the word 'elfling' like it is a disease.

He nimble jumps up and yanks me to my feet, before manhandling me back to the tree house; the other two fall behind us.

A fourth elf descends the steps from tree house and shakes his head.

My captor pushes me towards the stairs and commands, "Pack what you need. You have five minutes."

Tearing up the stairs, I enter Darish's room and am horrified by the state of devastation. The bed is slashed, as if attacked by a madman, while clothes, torn books and broken pottery are scattered across the floor.

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