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Hi everyone. I am so sry for late updates.plz forgive me.Trust me you will have regular updates from now onwards.Every Wednesday there will be one new part.Its a promise.

"Yes Rahul Isha is here" they both said looking at me.Who is this Isha???

"So what??" Rahul voice is completely different. It's something like anger,love can be seen at a time.

"No Rahul I don't want to remember the past" Amit said seriously.

"Please shall we leave" Amit added.Rahul nodded to him.

We are almost at the entrance.Riya and I are back as Rahul and Amit are walking front.Who is this Isha??What is this past??Whom should I ask??All these questions are doing marathon race in my mind.

Suddenly,Rahul and Amit stopped and staring angrily at someone.I turned my face and saw a beautiful lady in white dress with a man on her side.I have to admit that she looks more beautiful than me.

"Hi Rahul" she said smiling and I feel like there is something different in her smile.

Rahul haven't replied to her question and took a step forward.

" my.." she started.

"Isha meet my dear wife Anjali" Rahul said pulling me towards him closely.Wife!!!His Wife!!!What??This is the first time I am listening from his mouth.I have waited for many months to listen this wife of Rahul.

My heartbeat raised by hearing it.By listening to this Isha face faded away.I am so happy.I don't know why!!!.

"Hii..." She composed herself and said.

"Hii" I said smiling heartfully.

"Any way it's time for us to leave" Rahul said facing Isha.I feel like they both are communicating with each other through eyes.

"Oh..OK bye" Isha depressed.

"Shall we move" Amit said to Rahul.

"Hmmm" Rahul eyes are still on Isha.His hand is on my waist and I am too close to him.

"Amit, drop Anjali at home" Rahul said as soon as we entered the parking lot.

"Why??Where are you going?" Amit raised his voice.

I really want to ask Rahul who is this Isha,but no use because it is like an exam paper where we have to attempt all the essay questions and their is no choice and the questions are out of syllabus.

"Just do as I say"said Rahul and started his car went away.What is this man??

" It's OK Amit.I will go by a cab"I said calmly.

"No Anju I will drop you" he commanded.Amit and Riya sat on front seats and I on back.

Amit and Riya dropped me and went to their home.I think Amit knows where Rahul is##.Amit said it would take time for Rahul to come.

It's 4 in the morning. I am waiting for Rahul as many questions are running in my mind.Though Rahul may not answer them I just want to give a try.

The door is burst opened suddenly and there stood the mystery man(Rahul).God!!!He is drunk.He is not able to stand.

I went near to give him a support to stand.This is the first time I saw Rahul in drunken state.

"Rahul.." I said holding his hand.

"Don't ,,don't try to touch me" he shouted.His eyes are red like a vampire's eyes.I slowly closed the door.He stood near the door like a statute.

"Rahul can I help you..." I slowly asked.

"No I don't need your help" he said and started taking steps to his room.Though he is in drunken state his voice is firm and perfect.

What should I do now??Should I go and talk to him??Will he give me answers???I stood there thinking.Suddenly there was sound.I quickly ran to his room.God!!!! the room is a complete mess.How can a Mr.perfect be like this???He sat on floor and his hand is bleeding.

"Rahul.." I said slowly taking his hand.He jerked it.

I quickly brought first aid box.Although he is angry on me or he doesn't like me,I have to help him as I can't see a wounded person.

"Rahul please let me do..please" I pleaded him taking his hand.He hasn't rejected and I cleaned the blood and applied banded to it.

"It's completed" I said and stood up to go.I should not stay here for long time in this room because of me he may get anger.

"Where are you going??" Rahul asked when I am suppose to open the door.

"I..." I started.His eyes are complete red.He is in devaisted state.What is the reason for him to be like this???

"Come Anju" he said.Anju!!!??this is the first time he called me.Two many shocks in one day.First of all Wife and now Anju.Why he called me Anju??As no one is around here??!!!There is no need to act like a lovely couple.I stood there thinking.

"What can't I call you Anju??" He said.What happened to this man??He is a mystery man.I can't understand him.How can he read my mind???

"Do you need anything??" I asked standing near to him.

"Yes!!I need you" he said.

What?? Needing me??Does he mean...??No??!!Usually, in movies people who are drunk will take advantage. Do Rahul also??!!

"Stop thinking and sit" he pulled me.

I want to run. What if something wrong happened?? I know Rahul is not that kind of person who touches a girl without her permission. What will happen if I said yes to him??

We sat in same positions for half an hour I think so.Suddenly he leaned no my lap.I tilted to move from that place.

"Stay" Rahul demanded.Butterflies running in my abdomen.He turned his face towards me.

"Anju do you love me?" He asked.What??!!I really love him a lot.But should I tell him???

"Never ever trust anyone or love anyone" he said in a stir voice.The whole world around me stopped for a second.Does he know that I love him??What is this trust??I thought staring at him.

"Isha is my ex" he said blinking his eyes.Isha??The whole movement of my body stopped.I am in complete shock...

"Isha is my ex.We both love each other.Amit used to treat her like a sister.I used to feel like she is my entire life.She is my everything. My happiness, my sad,my love,my hate whatnot.In our college second year we both met and soon fell in love.I thought she loves me a lot but it is just her shade.We used to be happy for 2years.One fine day no not fine day,one bad day I think almost end of our college days she came to me and said Rahul I want to break up with you. I said stop joking ishu.No Rahul,I can't be with you.I am not perfect for you.I tried many times to love you back the way you liked me,the way you love me.I failed in doing all that.I am sorry.I broke all our promises.Don't try to talk to me.Everything between us is over she said and left.The dream world that I built with her collapsed within seconds. Later,I came to know that she left me for someone.I was betrayed and broken completely.May be I am a bad lover" he said and his voice is depressed.Tears started in my eyes after seeing him in this state. I haven't replied anything because I don't know how to react for this.

He is my first love.,but I am not his.He still loves her.He closed all the doors of his heart.Ayesha??who is she to him?? May be second love. who am I too him??A contract wife???I am nothing to him!!I cried there thinking all this.It would be better for me to take leave from his life.

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I am sry for not giving replies to your comments last time.....plz forgive me...

After 2 updates I am planning to write Rahul are you all eager to read Rahul POV or should I wait for some more time....!!!????

How is Rahul's past???....

Who is Ayesha??to him???...

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