Chapter 12

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**** Beau tapped Kyle's shoulder, and signed. 'Can you belive this? They're just kids.'

The Sheriff shook his head and grinned. 'Laurel and Hardy western style.'

Beau returned, 'We might actually get some fun outta this.'

Kyle grinned, 'I'm up for it if you are.'

They grinned at each other, bumped fists and pulled out their weapons. They may have been just kids, but these kids were each packing.


Back at the house, Charity answered all of Carlyn's questions the best she could.

Carlyn beamed, "What about school? When did you decide you wanted to study medicine and how long did it take you to become an RN?"

Charity grinned, "Well, to be honest it took me a little longer than most. When mom had Aiden and Adam I took some time off to help out at home. But, you already knew that."

The teen nodded, "Why did you become a nurse? I mean Aunt Bobbi is a lawyer."

Charity chuckled, and sat down at the table. "In high school mom took me to work with her one day for a "work with a parent" class assignment. I got to see her in action. She was awesome, but the whole court room, criminal, judge thing left me cold."

Carlyn grinned, "I know... me t..."

Carlyn snapped her mouth shut as Pan stood from her bed in a working stance, eyes on the door and let out a low growl.

Carlyn stood in a flash, grabbed Michael out of the pen and turned to Charity.

"We have to hide! Pan only signals like that when something's wrong!"

Charity grabbed the diaper bag, a bottle of juice and turned to the teenager standing so calmly before her.

Carlyn lead the way to the master bath and into the large standing shower.

Charity couldn't help but notice that Pan kept herself between them and the door at all times. They could hear someone outside. She watched as Carlyn turned one of the towel rings counter clockwise. She watched as one of the shower walls soundlessly popped open, revealing stairs that led down into a hidden cellar.

Carlyn reached inside and flipped a light switch. Pan refused to enter until the others had gone through. The teenager pushed a button and the shower wall closed and sealed itself. When Charity's foot hit the bottom step, several computer screens along the wall came on showing the house, inside and out.


Still bent low, Kyle slowly made his way to the end of the treeline, making sure to stay out of sight. Beau went in the opposite direction which led him to a boulder beside the driveway, several yards from the other men.

The comedic conmen were recounting their actions at the dead agents house and their boss' true meanings and intentions. They were so intent on each other they were totally unaware of the Sheriff as he stepped out from behind a large tree. He leveled a handgun at them and said in a loud, clear and authoritative voice.

"You're both under arrest. Link your hands behind your heads and get down on your knees."

The two stared at the Sheriff like deer caught in a car's headlights. George looked at Marvin, his mouth working wordlessly. He looked at the Sheriff and grinned.

"Uh, hi p...p...p...partner! W...w...we... uh... w...w...we're j...j...just t...t...two tired, w...w...worn out c...c...cowb...b...boys gettin' s...some uh... shut eye at here c...c...cabin."

"Shut up, George!" Marvin hissed.

Kyle could scarcely believe what he was hearing and he thought he heard his dad stifle a laugh.

"I... said... put... your... hands... on your heads and get... down... on your knees. I am the Sheriff and I am ordering you to comply."

"Oh! it's o...o...ok, um we'uns are g...g..good of rich rancher th...that owns this here place. He... he t...t...told us we c...c...c...could ummm bunk... yeah bunk here we put cows in the b...b...barn." George grinned thinking he had been quite informative.

Marvin closed his eyes and stepped behind George, using his nitwit partner's body as cover to draw his own weapon.

Beau stepped away from the boulder and cocked his rifle.

"I believe the Sheriff told you both to get on your knees with your hands on your heads."

Both conmen turned, surprised toward the second man. George swallowed, finally beginning to see that he had pulled no wool over anyone's eyes.

Marvin however, was not ready to give up. He grabbed George as a cover and fired a shot at the Sheriff thinking that he too, would be looking at the rifleman. He was wrong. Kyle had quickly ducked and stepped aside as Beau shot Marvin in the shoulder. The man fell, taking George down with him.

Marvin flailed, screamed and cried yelling he was going to die. He needed an ambulance, he was bleeding to death.

George, still stunned that Marvin had used him as a shield crawled away, staring at him, aghast.

", stinkin' c...c...coward! tried to g...g...get me killed! stupid c...c...crook!"

He got up and yelled at his cowering cohort who was theatrically rolling around and suffering. George kicked at Marvin's leg, pointed to him and turned to Beau.

"Did see w...w...what he did? He tried get me! him again! Wait..." he pulled his own gun and started to aim at the downed man. "I...I...I'll shoot him."

Marvin realized he was getting no sympathy from George. He was in fact in more danger from him than from the law officers. He became hysterical and started screaming for help that George was going to kill him.

"George." Kyle called, "Put the gun down, George. Your friend's not..."

George was furious. "H...h...he is n...n...not my f...f...friend! I...I...I only c..c...came with him 'c...c...cause I...I...I h...H...Had to! B...b...boss s...s...said'd kill our fa...fa...families if w...w...we f...f...failed."

"Ok, George," Kyle was working to stay serious and knew that the situation could still get out of hand.

"It's ok, George. Just put the gun down and step away from him. I'm sure that like you he just panicked. if he's also afraid for his family."

At the hopeful look on George's face the Sheriff added, "Come on, son. You're both safe now."

George took several steps away from Marvin after petulantly kicking him again. He put his handgun on the ground and sat on the porch, brushed dust off his shoes, laced his fingers and put his hands on his head.

Kyle lowered his own weopen and asked, "How old are you boys?"

George shrugged, "I...I...I'm f...f...fift...t...teen. M...m...marv...ven's s...s...ixteen."

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