Chapter 14

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**** Carlyn frowned, thought a moment and switched a camera to another position, zooming in on the larger man's face. She froze, stared...

"I... I think I know him. I mean, he looks so familar..."

"Who is he, Sweetie?" Charity asked.

"I... don't... know. Normally, I don't forget faces. He just... looks so much like..."

"Like who? I can't imagine you knowing someone that looks like he could cut your heart out and then take his mother out for dinner."

"Kyle served with a lot of men in the Rangers. He knew them all... all the men that were in his squad and on his team, but he was only close to a few."

Carlyn put an elbow on the desk and her chin on her fist as she looked intently at the dark, scarred face.

"I just... can't put my finger on it, but I know I know him, through Kyle somehow." She pointed to her head, "I see him with Kyle in my head. It's him... but... different."

"Different, huh? So... wait a minute. I know scars and that one is several years old and rather unforgettable. Could it be that you knew him before the injury that caused it? A scar like would have been a horrible injury, possibly life threatening. It would have been the cause of the loss of his eye, not just blindness. If he was in the military with Kyle, and sustained that wound, without his sight, he would have been honorably discharged."

Carlyn pursed her lips as she thought and worked to pull the memory forward.

"I don't know... I can't... I just know that I know him."


Gabriel studied the photo, then turned and saw the one of Kyle and Pandora in the hospital. He turned away from Blondie to gather himself. He wasn't sure who the kid gave his alliance to, but it wasn't to help him.

It's not possible. 'KB?' He studied the rest. Some were recently taken.

As he took a step closer and spotted the one with five men. Above each man was his name or handle.

Gav, Eli, KB, Spence, and Brick. 'He still has it.'

Gabriel glanced out at the kid and sighed. 'I have to get him out of here before that old photo blows my cover.'

Before he could form a quick plan the sound of a car pulling up the drive filled the air. Pleased that someone saved him from coming up with an exit, he turned and grabbed the kid.

"We have to go!" He ordered. Forcing the younger man towards the back door. Quickly he glanced around the room and spotted one of the hidden cameras high in a vent.

Smirking straight at the camera, Gabriel gave a two fingered salute. 'See ya around, KB.' And dashed out the back door.


Carlyn's eyes went wide as he looked straight at the camera. That one piercing violet eye seemed to look straight into her own.

Carlyn knew that eye, she had only met one man, with violet eyes of that particular shade. Shock slapped her right in the face.

'Brick?' She shook her head in denial, 'It's not even possible. Brick was killed in that last deployment my brother went on. He died trying to save one of the men.'

"Carlie?" Charity placed her hand on the teen's shoulder and squeezed. "What is it, hon?"

Carlyn shook her head, "I know who he is."

Charity knelt down next to her and gave her a firm hug. "Are you alright, Carlie? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Eyes still glued to the screen the girl answered. "I have."


Spence rushed into the house followed by Sherlock, one of the other hands on the security team.

"Ok, Sherlock. You clear the rooms from here to the back, I'll take the front. Call out if you find anything."

"Gotcha," Sherlock answered as both men drew their weapons and slipped silently from the room.

Charity and Carlyn sat watching the screens, amazed at the methodical manner the men used to ensure the safety of the household.

"Wow," Carlie breathed as she typed in the instructions for the cameras to show each room. "I've never seen them work like this before, not in real life. It's better than the movies."

Charity chuckled, "They are impressive."

"I guess they learned all this in the service. So, Kyle does it like this too? That's so cool. I knew he was good at his job, but this is just... wow."

Carlie grabbed her cell and texted Sherlock. "Nice moves, Holmes."


Kyle and Beau rode up just as Gabriel was mounting his huge black stallion. The horse refused to stand still. The large black was ready for a run and continued to dance beneath his partner.

Kyle watched in disbelief as the huge stallion spun in a circle and reared, showing his impatient nature and need for speed. The rider in black however was what had Kyle's full attention. The man was well over six feet, and powerfully built.

However, when their eyes met and the man gave him a single signed hand gesture. Kyle immediately knew who he was, and what he was up to.

'He's back.' The Sheriff thought as he watched the rider and mount gallop into the trees. Kyle couldn't believe what he had seen.

"He's alive? I thought he... I can't believe he's alive." He breathed, he could scarcely believe it. He was beyond happy, even excited to find his friend alive and furious that Brick hadn't gotten in touch with him before - to let him know. They had all grieved the loss of their brother, their comrade. He, especially had felt so badly that his friend had died saving him. He had felt guilty all this time!

'Damn! When this was over and I see Brick again, I'm gonna kick his ass!'

Beau was also watching the riders speed away. He admired the ease in which the big man in black had handled the huge black stallion. Father and son looked at each other, each with their own thoughts.

Both wondered at what the big, scarred man was doing here.

Hero Mine  (3B Hero Series) Book 3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin