Chapter 15

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**** Rowdy arrived not long after Spence and Sherlock. He followed the wailing of his grandson who threw his arms out to Rowdy and threw himself into the strong, loving arms. The cowboy/doctor held and rocked the baby who began suckling his fingers and settled into the broad, warm, safe chest. The little cowboy sighed as he snuggled into Rowdy's arms and went to cowboy dreamland.

"Charity, darlin'." Rowdy murmured quietly as he continued to sway the sleeping child back and forth.

Charity turned and looked up into those stunning green eyes so like her own.

"Yes, daddy?" She asked, pushing her hair out of her face.

Her adoptive father smiled, "With all that's been goin' on here. Your mother and I both feel it would be best for everyone if we take Michael for the time bein'."

He looked at Beau, and Kyle, both of which nodded in agreement.

Her first reaction was to argue, but she forced herself to stop and think calmly. They knew where she was, and had come after her. Michael wasn't safe here anymore. If she was honest with herself, she would admit that her son wasn't safe with her any longer. So until Kyle got to the bottom of this, it was best if her baby was with his grandparents.

With a deep sigh she stood up and nodded. "Alright, daddy. I'll grab a package of diapers, formula, pack some clothes and a diaper bag and be right back."

After she and Carlyn went back inside, Beau knelt down before his son.

"Are you sure it was Gabriel, son?"

The Sheriff nodded, "His handle was Brick, but yeah. I checked the video feed and it was him alright. I'd know him any where."

The Rancher sighed and nodded, rubbed his face and ran the scene through the jis memory again and turned back to his son. "Before he took off he signed somethin'. What was it?"

Kyle chuckled, "There were five of us guys. Eli, Gav, Brick, Spence, and myself. In RIP we developed our own code."

He copied the code for Beau that Brick had exhibited to the camera.

"That was the code sign for 'I've got your back.' He was letting me know that he's still working undercover."

Carlyn rejoined them, "Undercover? I thought he was killed in..."

Kyle shook his head. "During our third deployment Brick saved my life. I can't give any real details. Needless to say we ended up in a few hand to hand combat situations."

Beau and Rowdy both nodded their understanding, having lived though it before themselves.

Charity came through the cabin door, arms full of the promised items, diaper bag and stroller on the deck, and took a seat on the swing next to Kyle.

The Sheriff took a deep shaky breath and continued, "During one of the surprise attacks he was wounded, badly."

He shook his head in amazment, "It should have killed him, but... he stayed with it long enough to save my life."

Charity took his hand as she asked, "What kind of injury did Brick sustain?"

Kyle looked over at Spence who took over, "Brick was... is... one tough Ranger. He's what we call an Elite. Like KB, and Eli. Very few can match him."

"I get that, but what kind of wound was did he suffer during that battle?"

Spence sighed and lowered himself down to the deck steps. "He was slashed across the face with a bayonet. They tried to save his eye so he could return to active duty, but in the end..."

Spence shook his head, "When you know you're one of the best at what you do, but you can't physically do that anymore, it... can mess with yer head."

Beau nodded, understanding what Spence was talking about. He had seen it himself, many times.

"So, if I'm understanding the situation correctly he not only survived, but was transferred to a different set of duties - all of which are under cover." Beau looked to his son for the answer.

Kyle nodded, "That's what it looks like. I don't know exactly what he's doing or for what branch. But I do know that I do not want to blow his cover. Unfortunately, it's gonna be hard to investigate and not put him in more danger than he's already in."

Beau nodded, "I can see that, but he knows you have a job to do and has to be aware of the difficulties that can come about should you meet up."

He pushed his hat off his forehead with one finger and chuckled. Kyle frowned at his father.

"What the heck do you find so blamed funny about the situation?"

Beau chuckled harder until he had to wipe the tears.

"I'm sorry, son. Really but, I just can't for the life of me understand how he could possibly be involved with anything that those two looney tunes are up to their necks in as well."

That made them both laugh outright as they walked into the house.

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