Chapter 21

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**** Kyle hooked his booted ankle on the top rail of the iron fence and leaned into the stretch.

'Damn, that feels good.'

For a big man he was surprisingly flexible, he had to be. Lowering himself down to the ground he put himself into a split, bad leg in front and lay over it, stretching all those muscles, loosening up for his ride.

How long had it been since he'd been in the family rodeo? Too long. And yet, here he was getting ready for his own ride. The bull riding would be the grand finale, but it never hurt to be good to go and in fact, it was even more important for him to be prepared.

As he bent his knee a little to tighten the pull, a firm hand fell on his shoulder. He looked up to find a huge pirate standing above him, arm in a makeshift sling.

Stunned at first, he had no idea what to say. Oh, yes he did. Jumping to his feet he hissed under his breath.

"What the f....uh....what are you doing here?!" He caught himself and cast a quick glance Charity's way.

The pirate just grinned, "I'm keeping a promise."

Kyle shook his head, "Bro, you're supposed to be dead! Or do I have to remind you?"

Brick shook his head, "No, you don't. Don't worry, KB. I'm bein' careful, but this is important so just for tonight let me forget about that, and enjoy being alive again."

The big man's gaze fell on the little blonde that was practicing with her rope. He smiled, "She sure is somethin'."

Kyle followed his old friend's gaze, "Tany? Yeah, she is. I'm really proud of her." Then it hit him. "Brick, you....know....she's only seventeen don't you? You're in your mid-twenties....late-twenties."

He stopped for a moment, "Come to think of it. How old are you?"

Brick gave him a long, assessing look, "Twenty-seven."

Kyle was stunned, "What?! I could have sworn you were older than me, not younger!"

Brick sighed, "When you grow up the way I tend to grow up fast, and you have to. To be honest, I only just turned Twenty-seven a few days ago."

Kyle shook his head in disbelief. "Suddenly, I feel like I'm an old one man here."

Brick chuckled, "Only by seven years." He couldn't hide the enjoyment of his friend's distress.

"Damn, Twenty-seven. That's just not right."

"Who's Twenty-seven?"

The men both turned to find the triplets joining them and standing in a line, all ears. All three were rodeo ready; Alexander wore his chaps, Brittany, had her rope, and Carlyn held the flag at the ready.

Carlyn noticed the scar over the stranger's face and froze "I know you! You're the one...."

"Not now, Carlie!"

"But, I know I saw...."

I said - later!" Kyle put command in his voice. "I'll give you all the info you need to know - later."

His youngest sister immediately snapped her mouth shut. Brick was amazed.

Alex, on the other hand was not satisfied, "Wait, what'd she see? Where? All what info? What's going on?"

Carlyn shook her head. "Nothing. Mistaken identity. Sorry."

Brick smiled his appreciation, "No harm done. It's nice ta see ya Little Bit. You've grown up quite a bit. Been a long time."

Her eyes went wide, "You" She looked at the scar. "I....I didn't recig....I means, I didn't realize it was...."

"It's ok, really." He asked with a grin, "Are you surprised I  remember the girl that tried to superglue me into my saddle?"

He elbowed Kyle, "I tell you what....I still have nightmares about that one."

Both men broke into deep heart felt laughter, and Carlie just glared at them and crossed her arms.

"I was thirteen, and you wouldn't let me go hunting with you! You took everybody but me." She felt the burn all over again.

Alex's eyes grew wide with realization, "That was you?"

Brick nodded, "Ruined a good saddle and my best pair of jeans and uh, made riding a bit uncomfortable for a while." He shook his head, "I've developed a habit of checking the seat before I mount up now."

Kyle chuckled, "I still remember those pretty silk drawers you were tryin' so hard to hide." He cracked up at the sour look that crossed his friends face.

"Really?" Alex perked up at that. "Silk? What uh....what color? There weren't by any chance hearts or little cherubs on them....were there?" He asked hopefully.

Brick frowned at Kyle and Alex, "No...they were black. No cherubs." He added through gritted teeth, "They were manly shorts."

Kyle chuckled, "Ah," Kyle said said. "Manly shorts." He thought for a long moment, as he enjoyed the red slowly creeping up his friends neck.

Alex looked disappointed by this news.

Brittany, feeling sorry at the red that was creeping up the big man's neck and face stepped up and slid her hand through him arm, "Come on guys, the parade will be starting soon. We need to get in place."

Kyle held his hand up to gain everyone's attention. He looked at his younger siblings.

"It's vital that you guys tell no one about Brick. He is here as a pirate and that's all, you don't know him and if anyone asks questions about him let me know ASAP. You all know enough about law enforcement and that sometimes it's necessary to keep secrets, for someone to be nameless. Got it? I need your word."

All three now understood the gravity of the situation and each gave their solemn word to say nothing about Brick.

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