Chapter 19

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**** A week later -

**** Kyle leaned back in the hot tub, letting the water soak away the aches and pains. He sighed and sank a little deeper and turned up the power jets in the water.

"Oooh man, that feels good." He said on a sigh as the water roled around his leg, massaging and soothing. He would rather be in the large jacuzzi on the back deck. It fit him better, allowed him to move and work his leg out more in the water, but he was a little unsure as to what message Charity would take from it. He almost didn't care - he was in that much pain, but he cared more about her comfort level.

He was finally beginning to relax when someone knocked of the bathroom door.

"Kyle, it's me."

He grabbed a towel and draped it over himself. 'Dude, she's a nurse. You're not the first naked man she's seen.'

"Yeah, what can I do for you, Cherry?"

Charity took a deep breath to steady her nerves. "I've prepared an herbal mixture to help with the pain. It works great in just a tub soak but it can work wonders in a jacuzzi - um."

Kyle lifted a brow in surprise, and lay a secondary towel over his bad leg. "Really? Alright, I'm decent, come on in."

Slowly she opened the door and stepped inside a small leather bag in hand. But, she stopped midstep when she came face to face with Kyle. He lay his book aside and turned toward her.

Her eyes wondered down that powerfully built chest, and abdomin, then... 'A towel? He still hides his leg from me.'

Kyle sighed and scratched his head, "Cherry, I know you like to look at me, but there is a point where it is verging on strange."

That snapped her out of it. Kyle nearly laughed aloud at the blush that spread across her face.

"Ummm, this is one of my father's herbal soaks. We came up with the blend ourselves. This one seems to get the best results. You just pore it into your bath water, let it do its job and relax. Um, you have that great jacuzzi out back, I would think it would really do you more good than this. Although this wonderful for healing and pain reduction."

Kyle studied her for a moment, 'Hmm.' He'd been wanting to test the water for some time now. 'Now's as good a time as any.'

"Do you have a suit?"

Cherry was a little taken a back by this. "Uhhhhh, suit? I don't underst...."

He sighed, "Do you have a swim suit?"


Kyle nodded, "Good. Meet me on the back deck in half an hour. I'll have the big jacuzzi up and running. We'll add your miracle potion to that."

He began to rise from the tub, his powerful arms easily lifting his weight, but he froze half way up.

"Do you mind?" He asked.

Charity had been watching him rise from the tub, taking note of his powerful biceps as he worked to keep the weight and pressure off the stump. She wanted so badly to show him some massage techniques and pressure points.

"Oh, I....I...."

He grinned, "Not that I mind having a pretty lady admire my body, but I do have a reputation to protect."

She flushed all the more and left, wondering how she could make him notice the woman and the nurse together as a unit.


In the kitchen Brittany grinned. "I wonder how long those two will keep tiptoeing around each other."

Brick chuckled as she finished taping off his newest set of bandages.

"I have a feeling it won't be long."

She smiled at him. "You know the rodeo is in a week. Normally daddy doesn't do fall rodeos, but this one's special. It's in the new indoor arena, and since Halloween is coming up people are encouraged to wear costumes. I'm going to be competing. Think you can come watch me?"

Brick leaned back to look her in the eyes. "Would you like me to come?" He asked, wondering just how far he could let himself into her life and maintain his own code of honor.

She nodded.

He nodded, "Alright. Costumes?"

She grinned, "Yeah, I'm going as a lady pirate."

He chuckled, "Well, with this damned scar and patch, I might as well dress to match. How about that?"

Her eyes sparkled and a pretty pink spread across the delicate cheekbones.

"That would be beyond awesome." She almost breathed in hushed tones.

"Ok. A year or so ago my job took me into a really wierd situation. This guy lived his life in a sort of play or movie, changing roles and costumes according to whatever whim hit."

She stared at him, eyes wide. He was actually giving her a tiny glimpse into his life.

"Anyway," he said getting back to the subject at hand.

"When we got there he was in this Jack Sparrow type character and demanded every one dress accordingly. I have a costume that goes with the patch pretty well and it's a pretty good camouphlage for me. You'd never know it's the real me."

She was thrilled, looked up at him shyly and murmured, "That would be awesome."


Charity grabbed a bath towel and fluffy robe and hurried out to the huge jacuzzi on the back deck. She was glad to see that Kyle used his wheelchair around the hot tubs instead of walking on the wet surface.

Kyle was swishing the water around as it heated evenly. He took a breath before looking up at her, knowing he would need the control.

"How long does it take for the herbs to do whatever they do in the water?" He asked as she placed the bag on the tub edge.

"The heat of the water releases the oils in the herbs and the medicinal qualities spreads throughout the tub with the water jets."

"And this really seems to do some good?"

She nodded, "Herbal treatments have been used for centuries very effectively. This is a blend that dad and I have found works wonders with easing pain and helping sore muscles to move more freely. I really think this will help you, especially if you get in the habit of using it regularly."

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