Chapter 27

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**** Beau sat at the old table in the East Emergency Cabin, face hard.

"Son, they tried to kill y'all, and you want me to agree to letting you stay here alone?!"

Rowdy who stood just behind his partner, arm wrapped around his daughter's shoulders placed a hand on Beau's.

"Easy, Bro. The boy has a plan. Let's just hear it out."

The former bullrider crossed his arms over his deep chest and leaned back in his chair. "Well, let's hear it then? And while you're at it, why don't you explain to us, exactly how you plan to take these guys down, when you're stuck on crutches, without... your... prosthetic."

It was at that moment that they all heard a one-two-three tap on the front door, before Brick walked in covered in soot.

"Lose something." He asked as he lifted an old duffle.

Kyle sorted through it and nearly fell out of his chair when he pulled his first prostatitis out. "How...."

Brick just shrugged and sat in the old rocker rifle in his lap. "You had that hidden down in the surveillance room."

The men all studied the exhaustion written on the scared warrior's face.

Beau lifted a brow, 'So that's where he disappeared to. He spent the whole morning digging his way into the safe room, for Kyle's go bag.'

Brittany who sat on the old cot, wrapped in a warm wool blanket stood and walked over the large man. 

Beau and Rowdy watched as she slowly took the rifle from the stunned Ranger.

"Tany, what are you...."

She shook her head and surprised her entire family, and Brick when she sat down in his lap and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Just hold me right now, please." Her voice shook with unshed tears.

Brick felt his heart clench to the point he could barely breathing. Ignoring the eyes of the others he gingerly wrapped her into a tight embrace and began to rock the chair in an effort to sooth her.

"Don't let go." She begged.

He closed his good eye. She didn't know what she was asking. He felt it as she slid one arm up and around his neck.

Brittany felt her body begin to relax into his firm embrace. She closed her eyes and began to listen to his steady heartbeat. He smelled of smoke, and when she opened her eyes, she noticed the burns on his arms, and the exhaustion on his face.

'How long has it been since he's slept?'

"Gabriel?" She whispered for his ears only.

He loved the sound of his name on her lips, "Da."

She looked up at him, "Promise me you won't try to fix this alone. Please."

Kyle was in full agreement, "We know you, bro."

Brick shook his head, "I can't make that promise."

Brittany sat up to look him in the eye, "I'm serious, Brick. You can't fight them alone. And, you know very well that I'll follow you. Even my dad can't stop me."

Beau growled aloud, "You wanna bet?"

Silver blue eyes met cobalt blue, "You'd have to tie me down."

"This isn't a game, honey." Brick stated, "These people play for keeps. Trust me, I know."

She studied him for a long moment, "How?"

Every one saw the change come over him then. He seemed to completely withdrawal into himself, even the look in his eye changed. Slowly he stood, still holding her in his arms. Brittany never looked away from his face as he gently lowered her back to the ground and retrieved his rifle.

Turning to Kyle, "I'll be standing watch." Then headed out the door.

Brittany took a step to follow only to be stopped by a gentle yet firm hand on her arm.

Charity shook her head, "Let him go, sweety. Something happened to him, something that involves this case, and those people. What ever it was, it had to have been very traumatic for him. Otherwise he would not have reacted the way he did. I'm no psychiatrist, but I'm sure he has a bad case of PTSD."

Kyle (who was slipping the liner over the stump of his leg) nodded his agreement, "Right now give him some space. For now I want to dig out those files."

Beau sighed then he and Rowdy went to the loose floor board and worked it up. Then stepping back so that Kyle could do the honors.

* * *

Once outside Brick took a deep breath, smelling snow in the air. The pressure that had been building in his chest since the night before was nearing the boiling point. This wasn't a feeling he had ever felt before and it was disconcerting to say the least.

Standing there trying to calm his racing heart, the sound of a door closing broke the silence.

"I haven't had the chance to thank you yet." Said a deep baritone.

Brick turned to see the one man he had looked up to since Kyle had first invited him to spend his leave on the ranch years before.

Beau stood there larger than life. He was so different from Brick's father. The head of the Blanton family was a man of true courage and honor. They all knew that he was willing to die to protect each and every one of his children and wife, even those who worked for him. They were all family.

Brick could feel the older man's respect, but there was something else beneath the surface. Something that shown in Beau's eyes.

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