Chapter 38

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**** Hearing voices, Zloba lay still. He had taken multiple hits in the chest and breathing was an effort. The pain was excruciating however, due to the Kevlar vest he was not seriously injured. He cracked his eyes open to check out the room, voices and level of danger. They apparently thought he was dead. Thus far, the only safeguards he could ascertain was that his handguns were gone. They must not have checked him closely as he could feel the spare gun in the ankle holster, the knife on the other ankle, knife on his belt and chain posing as a necklace around his neck.

He lay there gradually regaining his faculties. 'Stupid woman, she was fawning over that poor excuse of a man for one bullet in his upper arm.' Almost made him want to complain. After all he had been shot multiple times and his chest hurt like.... 'What the....'

"There now," Charity said as she taped the gauze down. "You're going to be just fine. Just keep it clean and it'll heal good as new."  She smiled at Marvin and kissed his cheek. "Thank you for trying to help me, I'll never forget it." She said as she turned toward the rancher and the Sheriff. She reached for Michael and was surprised when her son grasped Kyle's shirt in his tiny hands and wouldn't let go. He shook his head and his eyes pleaded to stay where he was.

"No, no. Uddy!"

Beau's eyes filled as he watched the little boy express his love and determination to stay with Kyle, with his 'duddy'

Brick let out a huge breath. "Thank God he had the good sense to wear the vest."

Beau nodded as he unbuttoned the shirt to get to the life saving Kevlar vest. Bruises were already forming on the broad chest and a bright spot marked where each bullet had hit.

Brick pointed to a bruise further down, "That's probably a broken or cracked rib."

"Has an ambulance been called yet, where's dad? We need to get some x-rays and get him taped up." She turned to calm the babies who had been awakened and frightened by the gunfire. She and Beau were surprised that Marvin was also soothing a frightened toddler dressed in a pink romper with cowgirl boots embroidered on the front.

The assassin was disgusted by what he heard. He wanted to grab his automatic and kill them all. But, he had to play it safe and stay quiet until his head stopped swimming and he stopped seeing two of everything. These country bumpkins were so stupid. They were ignoring him....Zloba, the Head Enforcer of the family business. He had worked hard to gain that position, he had killed, beaten, intimidated and tortured to get there. The mention of his name, the sight of him walking into a room, down the sidewalk or through the hallway brought an immediate response - compliance....respect...fear. He loved it. He began to slowly move his hand toward the ankle holster and willed away the dizziness (from the bump on the back of his head) and silently, slowly sat up. Once his finger was on the trigger he pointed the barrel at Brick's massive back, "Gabriel, nice of you to drop in."

Brick jumped to his feet and spun around to face Zloba hands up and ready. He put his body between his cousin and the people he had come to respect and care for. 'I can't let him fire the glock in here. He would love nothing more than to hit one of the kids.'

"Leon!" Brick pulled two ten inch blades from his boots and fell into a defensive position.

Zloba shook his head and sneared, "Leon is no more. Leon was weak." He hit himself in the chest and regretted the action but tried not to show it. "I am Zloba now, I am the Head Enforcer now. I now have the job you threw away."

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