Chapter 13

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**** Michael was standing in the strange room and looking in awe at all the possibilities that invited his attention. Carlyn immediately studied the computer screens while Pan kept herself between her people and the staircase, ears up and alert.

"Do you see anything?" Charity asked, afraid the whole situation at her home was happening again.

"Not yet, I think someone's out there, but it's like they know where the cameras are and they're staying just out of sight. Wierd."

Charity lifted a brow, "That means they know where all the surveillance cameras are placed so they have been here before or have inside knowledge."

Carlyn nodded, "Yep, and only Sherlock, Kyle, and our dads know that those locations. Unless...."

"We're being watched."

The teen nodded in agreement, and kept a very close watch on the many screens.

"My brother set up a bunkroom over there if you want to lay Michael down."

She pointed to a solid oak door, her eyes never leaving the outside view as several horses rode up and the riders dismounted at the edge of a line of trees.

* * *

Charity pushed the heavy door open and flipped a light on. She was amazed to find two walls covered in flip down cots. She did a quick count - twenty four cots in all.

She walked around the room and opened another door. A rations room? The closet was lined with blankets, pillows, sheets, and pillow cases lined one wall. On the other was M.R.E.s, energy bars, packages of gator aid powder, and jugs of water.

'Wow!' She thought, "Is he very Paranoid or overly prepared?"

* * *

Back in the screen room Carlyn, headset in place, and hands flying over the keyboard as she typed in commands.

She watched as two shadows worked their way around the cabin, setting off a few of the external alarms. She couldn't help but grin at the large red flashing, '!'.

"Funny, Kyle." She chuckled.

Charity watched from the living area as her young friend worked. She couldn't have been more impressed.

Carlyn sat upright in her chair as a voice came in over her comset.

"Ranger One, this is Sherlock. Be adviced, I read multiple intruders in your vicinity. Please respond? Over."

Carlyn grinned at Charity. "I always wanted to do this." Then all business like she spoke into the mic.

"Sherlock, this is T2. I have Charity and Little Man with me. We're locked in Kyle's safe room with two assailants making their way into the upper floor. I repeat there are two unknown men in the upstairs kitchen. At least one with visible weapon. Over."


Carlyn grinned over at Charity and answered, "It's not the Easter bunny. "

Even under the circumstances Charity couldn't help but smile.

"Very funny, kid. Where's your brother?"

"He rode off about an hour ago. He and dad were going hunting. I haven't been able to raise them on the walkie."

* * *

Hero Mine  (3B Hero Series) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now