Chapter 31

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**** Brick woke with a start. Something wasn't right. He could feel danger, it was closing in on them.  His side arm was automatically out and tracking the still dark room. The only sound was both girl's deep, even breathing. The walls seemed to be closing in on him. He forced the air through his lungs slowly, evenly, and roled out of bed.

While Brick moved silently in an effort not to disturb his bunk partner, Brittany, sat up groggily. She was about to ask what was wrong until she saw the look in his violet eye. Charity was awakened next by his strong hand on her shoulder. She immediately understood the cautionary  finger against his lips.

"I need you both to stay here, and be ready to run if necessary. The packs are ready right?" They both nodded, "Good. I know you and KB have done so already but let me check your weapons just for my own peace of mind."

Each woman handed her weapon over and watched in amazement at the experienced and efficient way he examined each firearm. Afterwards, he checked his own before heading for the window at the far end of the cabin. Before slinging a leg through, he turned back and whispered.

"Stay out of sight....come out for no one, except myself or KB. Do you understand?"

Cherry nodded, "Yes. We understand. You will be careful...right?"

Brick looked into the green eyes so like her father, Rowdy and nodded once. "If KB or myself do not come for you within the next half hour, make for Beau's place. Stay out of sight, don't look back and watch each other's six."

Both women nodded. It was sinking in that this was wasn't for show. Once outside in the cold night air Brick slowly made his way around the cabin. He sensed the sniper watching KB from somewhere high on the distant hilltop. But, damn. It would be difficult to get up there without giving away his position. Keeping low and staying tight against the cabin he worked his way to the front.


Kyle knelt and scanned the horizen. He's out there, Kyle could feel the scope on him. 'Whoever he is, he's not very suttle. He doesn't care if we see him or not.' He thought as he caught sight of the moon's reflection on the rifle scope.

Brick let out a quiet bird call to inform Kyle know where he was. Kyle smirked to himself and answered his old friend.

Brick chuckled, "Not very smart. Seems our friend believes he can spook us by alerting to his location ."

At an unseen hand movement, Hope and Pan took their place on either side of the former ranger.  Kyle placed a hand of each, 'Alright, girls. Get up there and flush out our quarry.'

Both wolf and dog took off in differant directions around the foot of the hill. Kyle grinned at the sound that soon followed.


Sadie watched from high in a tree as Irving was tackled  by two separate K9s. She let out a long sigh of annoyance. It was so hard to find good help these days. She grinned to herself. That one had been getting on her nerves anyway. He hadn't even been able to follow the simplest of orders. Infiltrate her brother's Strike team and keep her updated as to his goings on. Instead he couldn't keep his hands to himself or keep his face off the security camera. Stupid idiot couldn't even keep his mouth shut when on a job.


Kyle and Brick both stood and grinned at each other. It wasn't long before the high pitched screams echoed throughout the trees. Brick recognized the voice and roled his eye.  "Good grief,  He can't be that thick. I thought he had brains enough to stay out of this." Kyle looked at him quizzically. "Irving." the big man said, shaking his head.

When they reached the top of the hill and spotted the skinny blonde man laying face down, Brick found himself letting out a low groan. "Seems he is that thick."

Kyle smiled, "Friend of yours?"

The younger man roled his eye, "He was a member of my Strike Team, or was. Damm fool." With that Brick reached down and grabbed the kid by the back of the shirt and lifted him off the ground with one arm.

Irving nearly cried out again when that violet orb looked into his own grey ones. "Hi ya, Gabe. Fancy meetin' you here. How ya been?"

Kyle roled his eyes, "You're right. bro. Real thick." After a long moment of study it finally hit him, "Why you little weasel. You're the one who broke into my house!" then to Brick, "He is the one who was with you that day?"

Brick nodded, "Yep. KB, meet Irving. Irving, this is KB. The other one your father tried to recruit for Strike."

The blood drained from the little man's face. This then was the Blanton that was still in line as a Strike team member. The Sheriff accepting the position would not be good for Irving. Not when his real boss had plans that would involve Strike later on.

Kyle and Brick both looked at each other. Something wasn't right about this. "Could he be a plant?" The Sheriff signed.

Brick nodded, and answered in kind, "That would be my guess. Someone wants us to drop our guard."

Irving winced at the look in Brick's eye. "Irving, remember what I told you would happen if you ever crossed me?"

The smaller man began to shake and he swallowed audibly. Yeah, he remembered. He also knew most of the stories that were told about Gabe's time as an enforcer in the mofia were true. But, he also knew that no matter what Gabriel Ivanov had in store for him should he fail, would never be as bad as what she did.

Hero Mine  (3B Hero Series) Book 3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang