Chapter 32

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**** Charity stood beside Brittany as the men readied the horses. "This is a bad idea you guys. I'm sorry, but I think we should stick together."

Brittany nodded, "She's right, Brick." then to her brother, "Kyle, you can't go off and go....what did you call it? Hunting....on your own."

Kyle grinned, "I won't be alone. Pan will be with me. For now I really need to know that the two of you are safe, Brick is going to take you both to the main house. When you're safe with pop and Drina he'll come back here and we'll hunt the sniper together. From what we've learned the bomber is a woman, and she's mean enough that Irving was afraid to tell us much."

Charity nodded, "That's surprising, I didn't think anyone could be more intimidating than Brick. But of the two, Irving's far more afraid of this woman."

The large man visably winced and grabbed his heart dramatically, "Ouch! That was a blow to my ego, I may never recover" and he stumbled, grabbing the saddle horn to catch his balance.

Brittany giggled, "Don't let it get you down Sugar. If it helps, that devastingly sexy stare you have from time to time helps in a major way."

Brick spun around, the look of shock plain enough for the other couple to see. " What did you just say?!"

Kyle turned away from his friend to hide a grin. It tickled him to see that Brittany could bring his big friend to his knees.

Brittany smiled innocently up at the huge man before her, "Oh, nothing much. I just said that it was a beautiful day for a ride."

Charity grinned at Kyle. It was amazing that they could communicate with each other with just that one look now, there it was. She could read the thought behind his soleful, brown eyes. He saw the bond that was forming between his sister and Brick just a plainly as she could. And like her, he also knew what that bond would one day turn into.

Brick turned his back on the little woman and mounted Aries with no hands. Brittany stared open mouthed a few seconds  before fanning her face and turned away from the horse and rider.  Her mouth still formed a silent "O"and whispered to Charity, "Whew! Is it noon time already? It's hot!"  She took a slightly unsteady step toward Ditie and "Yiped" aloud when Brick unceremoniously scooped her up, one armed and plopped her onto his lap.

He whispered against her ear, "Anyone who thinks it's hot on a cloudy winter morning and can't walk a straight line surely can't be trusted to ride a big horse like that, Nemnogo Shalun'ya. All by her little self, she might get hurt." As Brittany tried in vain to get her breath back and calm her racing heart, Charity choked back a laugh and jumped up on Jasper Jr. her father's horse.
(Little Minx)

The dun gelding tossed his head with a nicker as if he too were laughing. He was used to Ditie, but having an unfamilar stallion near by was making him a little nervous.

Kyle, who had managed to stifle his own laugh sensed the horse's discomfort. He placed his hand on the gelding's smooth neck. 'Easy old friend. He's here to help. Yes, he might be more powerful, but he doesn't know this ranch as well as you. He may be wise, but he will be turning to you for insight and information about the land.'

Jasper looked at the sheriff, acquiesced with a nod, and answered 'Very well.'

Kyle smiled, "That's a good fella."

Brick tilted his head to the side, "Do I even want to ask?"

Kyle chuckled, "He's just a little unsettled around Aries, it'll ease as they get to know one another."

The huge black tossed his head and leveled a glare at the gelding. 'You know this land, while I do not. Until this is over we are the same. But, she....' the stallion looked at the white mare, 'is mine.'

Aphrodity nickered as if saying to Jasper, "Don't worry friend, you will always be my buddy.".

Kyle roled his eyes and grinned at Brick. "I see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Brick had no idea what his old friend was talking about and wasn't sure he wanted to. Kyle sobered, all business now, turned to the girls and nodded. "Alright, stay together, and within sight of Romeo here at all times." Both individuals on the stallion threw a black look at the Sheriff.  Kyle ignored their censure and added, "This isn't a pleasure ride Juliet." His control almost slipped at Brittany's indignant glare. "Someone is on our trail, and we need to stay ahead of her if we are to get you girls back to the ranch safely."

Brittany and Charity looked at each other and nodded, "Cherry, is it just me or does he not grasp that we get the danger and we're not stupid."

Charity shook her head, "oh he gets it, hon. He just likes being all big and tough and....macho." They took off at a canter, with Brittany on Brick's lap and Charity leading Ditie.

Kyle watched them leave with more than a little guilt. He saw the look Brick had given him. The younger man knew what Kyle was planning, and he was making his own plans to counter them. The Sheriff shook his head with a grim smile.

"Sorry, bro. But, this is my fight, not yours. I need you to protect my family, while I do my job."


Kyle knelt down to study a single track that had been left in the snow. As he looked around, he realized that it was the only one. Pan lowered her nose to the ground and tried to pick up any sign of a scent, but found nothing.

'Not right. No scent. Not good.'

Kyle nodded his head in agreement, "You're right. That's not only not right, it's not normal. And this print is from an army issue combat boot." He examined the print again then raised his head to study the surrounding area. "Who would be out here in combat boots, and how is it even physically possible for there to be only one print in six inches of snow?"

When he looked back down to the take a picture of the print he nearly jumped back in shock. Pan on the other hand did just that, yelping out a bark of surprise. 'Not good!'

Kyle shook his head, "That's not possable. I know what I saw."


The Sheriff turned around trying to find the source of the voice, but saw no one. He had never heard a voice like that before. It almost sounded like a whisper in the wind. Then he saw a young woman high on the hill directly to his left, he immediately raised his Olive Drab 7 x 50 high powered binoculars. When he saw the deep violet eyes, he gasped and turned cold.

Something inside told him that she was the woman, the insane enemy they all faced and that it was time to leave. That feeling was confirmed when he saw the muzzle come up as she took aim.

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