Chapter 25

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**** Rowdy let out a long whistle as he studied the small dent in Kyle's stainless steel prosthetic leg. The doctor shook his head.

"That there took some power. I'm astounded it still fits and works correctly." He said in amazment.

Kyle nodded and zipped the jeans leg up and chuckled. "You're tellin' me. I felt that power and was a bit leary whether it would hold me when I jumped off."

Rowdy grinned, "Charity was only able to watch part of your ride. Hmm. Odd that. I've never seen her react that way before."

Kyle wasn't sure how to react to the sudden change in topic. That is untill the woman in question entered the room. The look on her face told him he was in for it.

At first she didn't look at him, just at her dad.

"Is he all right, dad? Really all right, no damage internally or otherwise?" She asked frantically.

"He's fine, Sweetheart. No need to worry." He smiled to himself when he noticed the Sheriff let a silent breath out. 'He thinks he's in the clear.'  He took his time getting his things together, making sure he would be around for the main event.

Charity took a couple of deep breaths, placed her feet squarely on the floor and put hand on hips before looking Kyle in the face.

He felt the look as much as he saw it. 'Holy cow! She's mad as a hornet!'

"And you thought riding that, that devil in carnet was a good way to prove your physical prowess or, to boost your ego? What would have happened if you had been badly hurt? We would have had to initiate your rehabilitation all over again. And what if rehab wouldn't work this time?"

At first words stuck in his throat, they just wouldn't come. And he wasn't really sure he knew what to say anyway, he was totally unprepared for her reaction.

"Well? Are you so completely satisfied with yourself that you have nothing to say?"

"Uh, well....Charity."  He looked at Rowdy for help which was obviously not forthcoming.

'Great....he's standin' there havin' a ball, enjoying the whole thing the peckerwood.'

The outraged woman pushed her face toward him, eyes blazing.

"How dare you - how... dare... you risk yourself like that. Are you so sure of yourself so conceited that you didn't consider even for one minute that people depend on you?" She turned away from him and began to pace around the room breathing hard.

"I can't believe you did that. You... you... dufus! Haven't you had enough injuries? What would Michael have done if you had been severely hurt or worse? Huh? Did you think about that?"

She stopped pacing occasionally to glare at him before beginning her pacing again.

Beau had arrived just in time to hear her rant and leaned against the wall outside the room to enjoy the show while neither young person knew of his presence. He glanced at Rowdy who grinned and winked.

The RN faced the champion again angrier again for his silence.

"That's what I thought! You don't care about us - him, you don't care about him at all do you?"

Now that was striking below the belt and shocked him out of his silence.

"What the dickens is that supposed to mean? You know I care about him. And just where do you get off coming at me like this?"

"Where do I get off? I'll tell you where I get off! I've put to many hours into your rehab for you to just throw it away on some masculine he-man idiocy!"

Hero Mine  (3B Hero Series) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now